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If you’re a proud owner of a Benelli Super Black Eagle, you know it’s not just about the thrill of the hunt. It’s also about maintaining your gear. In this article, we’ll dive into the nitty-gritty of keeping your prized shotgun in top-notch condition.

Cleaning a Benelli Super Black Eagle might seem daunting. But I’m here to assure you, it’s not as complicated as it sounds. With a few tips and tricks up your sleeve, you’ll have your shotgun cleaned and ready for action in no time.

Disassembling the Benelli Super Black Eagle

Now that we’ve covered the importance of routine care and cleaning, let’s dive right into the process of breaking down your Benelli Super Black Eagle for a thorough cleaning. Trust me, it’s not as intimidating as it sounds. You’ve got this!

**First, always check for unloaded firearms. **Before any disassembly process, it’s crucial to double-check that both the round chamber and magazine tube are unloaded. This step is non-negotiable and a crucial part of safe firearm handling.

The next part of the process involves removing the cap located at the end of the magazine tube. Simply turn it counterclockwise until it’s loose and then pull it straight out, and then the fore-end can be slipped off.

Then, just remove the barrel. Once the fore-end is removed, the barrel of the Benelli Super Black Eagle can be taken off easily. Tilt the shotgun up, and the barrel should slide right out.

Afterwards, the bolt’s handle needs to be pulled out. Pull back on the bolt handle, and you should be able to simply pull it out. Bear in mind that it may require a little force, but it’s designed to withstand it.

And lastly, you’ll want to take out the bolt. Once the handle’s out, the bolt should slide right out of the receiver. However, you’ll need to control its movement as it’s under spring tension.

Cleaning the Barrel

After disassembling the Benelli Super Black Eagle shotgun, the barrel stands as the next key piece to address in the cleaning process. Like any other part of the firearm, it’s vital to ensure the barrel is clean and unobstructed to maintain optimal performance.

As you’ll find, Cleaning the Barrel isn’t as daunting as it may initially seem, and with these steps, you’ll get it done efficiently and safely. You start with a cleaning rod fitted with a properly sized bore brush. Douse the brush in a high-quality gun solvent, making sure it’s thoroughly soaked.

Next, insert the rod into the barrel from the breech end, then push it forward till it moves out from the muzzle. Do it several times to ensure that you have effectively loosened any fouling or debris inside the barrel. I’ll remind you to avoid reversing the brush inside the barrel as it would most likely damage the shotgun.

Replace the bore brush with a patch holder and run solvent-soaked patches through the barrel until they start to come out clean. You might find it necessary to feed a couple of patches to accomplish this. Right after that, dry the barrel by running clean, dry patches until no residue is noticeable on them.

But you’re not done yet. The mission ends with oiling. You’ve cleaned the barrel, it’s now necessary to provide it with long-term protection – oil offers that. Use a clean patch soaked in oil to layer the internal surfaces of the barrel lightly.

With these methods, your Benelli Super Black Eagle’s barrel is not only clean but also equipped to resist the harsh conditions that accompany the shooting sport. Professional hunters and targets shooters use these steps, and they’ve got them ahead in maintaining their shotguns. These methods are a testament to their proficiency, and following them, you’ll find your shotgun performance advancing remarkably.

Remember, consistency in cleaning your barrel post shooting spree or on a regular basis could manifest in your gun’s overall performance and lifespan. By following the guides laid down above, not only will you maintain your firearm but ensure that it offers you top performance in return.

Cleaning the Choke Tubes

After cleaning the barrel, the next part we dive into is Cleaning the Choke Tubes. A thorough cleaning of these components can significantly impact your shotgun’s functionality. Let’s dive into it, shall we?

The first step is unscrewing the choke tubes. I utilize a choke tube wrench specifically designed for a Benelli Super Black Eagle. This tool ensures that I don’t damage the choke or the threads.

Keeping your cleaning area clear and tidy is essential at this point. You don’t want to misplace any small pieces.

To clean the choke tubes, I first use a specialized choke tube brush dipped in a solvent, scrubbing them vigorously. The choke tube brush is designed to get into all the small spaces inside the tube that other brushes might miss. After scrubbing, I take a clean cloth and wipe out the solvent and the loosened grime inside the choke tubes.

If the grime is stubborn, sometimes, a bit of elbow grease is needed. Soaking the choke tubes in solvent for a while before scrubbing can make this process smoother.

Once all the grime has been wiped away, it’s time to lubricate the choke tubes. I lightly coat the tube inside and out with oil. Not only does this provide a smooth surface for your shot to travel through, but it also protects these parts from rust.

After oiling, reassembly is next. I ensure that every piece is accurately put back in place. I screw the choke tubes back into place carefully to avoid cross-threading and follow up by hand-tightening them.

As you see, choke tube maintenance is a crucial part of the overall shotgun cleaning process. By keeping your choke tubes clean, you’re not just keeping your shotgun functioning at its best but also extending its life and performance. Stay tuned for more detailed info on maintaining other parts of your Benelli Super Black Eagle.

Lubricating the Moving Parts

With the choke tubes sparkling clean, we can now turn our attention to another critical step in the cleaning of a Benelli Super Black Eagle: Lubricating the Moving Parts. This section’s going to explain how to go about this – why it’s necessary and how to do it effectively.

As a firearm owner, I’ve learned that lubrication isn’t just about ensuring that your shotgun moves smoothly. In fact, it’s a lot more than that. It helps minimize wear and tear, preventing potential damage that could truncate the lifespan of your firearm. When the moving parts of your firearm are lubricated most corrosion is stopped in its tracks. This goes a long way in upkeeping your firearm’s performance and longevity.

The first moving part to consider is the bolt. It plays a pivotal role in the operation of your shotgun. Therefore, it’s paramount that it glides effortlessly during use. Once it’s been cleaned, apply a light layer of gun grease. And remember, a little goes a long way. Trust me, slathering on too much oil would only gum things up and attract more debris.

Next up, the trigger assembly. This too requires some attention. Using a needle applicator, apply a small amount of oil on the pivot points. This encourages smoother trigger pulls. However, limit the oil to only the necessary areas. Excess oil can seep into areas where it shouldn’t, causing unforeseen issues.

Following the same procedure, the action bars need attention as well. A light layer of lubrication will ensure they function as intended. If neglected, these parts could stiffen over time, impairing the overall operation of the shotgun.

And finally, get to grips with the Bolt carrier and action spring. These need to be brushed lightly with oil. No need for a heavy lubrication here, as it could potentially interfere with the action of the firearm.

Cleaning the Exterior and Stock

After we’ve worked on the internal components of the Benelli Super Black Eagle, it’s crucial that we continue by cleaning the exterior and the stock. These areas may not seem significant at a first glance but play an equal role in maintaining the overall performance of your shotgun.

Firstly, I wipe down metal surfaces with a cloth that’s been lightly damped with gun oil. This process helps to prevent rust and keeps the finish looking sharp. It’s amazing how even a thin layer of oil can provide a protective barrier against moisture and dust.

Next, let’s focus on the shotgun’s stock. This part of your firearm may be made of wood or synthetic material, depending on the model. Cleaning the stock ensures not only that it looks good but also contributes to its lifespan.

What’s effective here is to use a slightly damp cloth for synthetic stocks. But, take care not to over soak the material or leave it wet for an extended period. It’s important to dry it thoroughly when you’re done.

As for wooden stocks, these require a bit more care. A good furniture polish can work wonders in bringing out the grain and shine of your firearm’s wooden stock. Rub the polish gently into the wood and let it dry. Afterward, buff it with a dry cloth to give it a brilliant shine.

It’s also worth noting that wooden stocks shouldn’t be exposed to extreme temperatures. Keep it in a climate-controlled environment to avoid damage.

We’ve successfully cleaned both the exterior and the stock, making our shotgun not only functional but also great to look at. Remember, overall maintenance of a firearm goes beyond its operation and into its aesthetic appeal.


I’ve walked you through the cleaning process for a Benelli Super Black Eagle, from disassembly to reassembly. Remember, safety first – always check your firearm is unloaded. Disassembling your shotgun properly, cleaning each part, and applying the right amount of lubrication will help ensure its longevity. Don’t overlook the exterior and the stock – they need care too. Your shotgun isn’t just a tool, it’s an investment. Regular maintenance not only keeps it working smoothly but also preserves its aesthetic appeal. So, make cleaning your Benelli Super Black Eagle a routine. It’s not just about keeping your shotgun clean – it’s about respecting the craftsmanship that went into it. Happy cleaning!

How do I disassemble a Benelli Super Black Eagle shotgun for cleaning?

To disassemble a Benelli Super Black Eagle shotgun for cleaning, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure the firearm is unloaded.
  2. Remove the magazine cap at the end of the magazine tube.
  3. Slip off the fore-end.
  4. Remove the barrel.
  5. Pull out the bolt’s handle.
  6. Take out the bolt.

How do I clean the barrel and choke tubes?

To clean the barrel and choke tubes of a Benelli Super Black Eagle shotgun:

  1. Use a bore brush to clean the barrel.
  2. Use a cleaning rod with a patch and solvent.
  3. Push the patch through the barrel to remove any fouling.
  4. Use a choke tube brush to clean the choke tubes.
  5. Remove any residue with a clean cloth or brush.

How do I lubricate the moving parts of the shotgun?

To lubricate the moving parts of a Benelli Super Black Eagle shotgun:

  1. Apply a small amount of gun oil to the bolt.
  2. Lubricate the trigger assembly.
  3. Apply lubrication to the action bars.
  4. Lubricate the bolt carrier and action spring.
  5. Ensure the right amount of lubrication to avoid issues.

How do I clean the exterior and stock of the shotgun?

To clean the exterior and stock of a Benelli Super Black Eagle shotgun:

  1. Wipe down metal surfaces with gun oil to prevent rust.
  2. Use a slightly damp cloth to clean synthetic stocks.
  3. Use furniture polish to clean wooden stocks.
  4. Ensure the stock is thoroughly dried.
  5. Avoid exposing wooden stocks to extreme temperatures.