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If you’re like me, you know that proper maintenance of your Browning Citori is crucial. Not only does it prolong the life of your firearm, but it also ensures its optimal performance. In this article, I’ll guide you through the steps on how to clean a Browning Citori effectively and efficiently.

Why Cleaning Your Browning Citori is Important

Now that we’ve outlined what the Browning Citori is and why it’s a top choice for many firearm enthusiasts, let’s dive into the essence of regular cleaning. This might seem like a menial task, but believe me, it’s the key to prolonging the longevity and efficiency of your firearm.

First and foremost, cleaning your Browning Citori regularly prevents buildup of gunshot residue. Every time you pull the trigger, tiny particles from the gunpowder, lead and primer compound accumulate in the firearm. This residue, over time, can lead to complications like decreased accuracy and even mechanical failures. A clean gun means a reliable gun. No misfires, increased shot accuracy, and a general enhancement in firearm performance. Who would say no to that?

Moreover, your Browning Citori is more than just an object. It’s an investment. Proper care and maintenance — especially regular cleaning — can ensure the value of this investment is well-maintained. It’s like taking care of a classic car or a precious family heirloom, with the added bonus of practicality and utility.

Lastly, let’s not forget about safety. A well-maintained firearm is a safe firearm. Neglecting your firearm’s hygiene could potentially lead to malfunctions. Worst case scenario, your Browning could jam or even backfire in the middle of use. Always remember – safety first!

I know what you’re thinking. “Alright, I see the importance of cleaning my Browning Citori. But how do I do it right?” Don’t worry, we’re getting there. In the following section, I’ll guide you through a step-by-step cleaning process to keep your Browning Citori firing perfectly for years to come.

Understanding the Components of a Browning Citori

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of cleaning procedures, it’s essential to understand the inner makeup of your Browning Citori. Familiarizing yourself with the various components will enhance your cleaning efficiency and aid in preserving the firearm’s longevity.

The Browning Citori’s design is rather intricate. It’s composed of several key elements including:

  • The Stock: This is the part you hold onto. It’s typically made of wood and includes the grip and the shoulder rest.
  • Barrels: The Browning Citori is an over-and-under-style shotgun, meaning it has two barrels stacked vertically.
  • Choke Tubes: These are removable devices that shape the spread of the shot when fired. Keeping the choke tubes clean is critical for maintaining shooting accuracy.
  • Action: The shotgun’s engine. It holds the firing pins, triggers and the mechanism that ejects spent shells and inserts a fresh load.
  • Forearm: The part that shields your hand from the heat of the barrel after firing.

Knowing these components is the first step to understanding the Browning Citori’s internal workings. Now that you’re acquainted with the structure, let’s move onto the importance of using correct cleaning tools and techniques. Remember, the goal isn’t just to clean for the sake of it; we’re aiming to protect and extend the life of your valuable investment.

Gather the Necessary Cleaning Supplies

Before I immerse myself in the process of cleaning a Browning Citori, I always ensure that all my cleaning supplies are at hand. It’s part of what makes the entire process efficient and smooth. In this section, I’ll outline the essential supplies needed to ensure that your firearm is clean, lubricated, and free from gunshot residue.

The first item on my checklist is a high-quality gun cleaning solvent. This solvent is used to remove residue and grime trapped in the firearm’s intricate components. It’s important to stress that not any solvent will do. You must search for one specifically designed for firearms to avoid causing any harm to your Browning Citori.

The second necessity is a gun oil or lubricant. A gun oil lubricates the moving parts and keeps them functioning seamlessly for maximum firearm performance. It also provides a protective layer that combats rusting, thereby extending the life of your Browning Citori.

Thirdly, you’ll need cleaning rods. I prefer using cleaning rods made of brass or coated with a non-abrasive material like nylon to protect the inner lining of the barrel from scratches during cleaning.

Choosing an appropriate bore brush forms the fourth part of my preparation. The bore brush, made of brass or nylon, should match the gauge of your Browning Citori to effectively clean the barrel without causing damage.

Cleaning patches make up the fifth critical item. These are used in conjunction with the cleaning solvent to wipe the bore after scrubbing it with the bore brush.

Seventh on my list would be a utility brush for scrubbing the exterior surfaces and hard-to-reach parts of the firearm.

Lastly, you’ll need a microfiber cloth for a final wipe down of the firearm.

Remember, the right cleaning tools don’t just benefit the firearm; they also protect you. Proper cleaning enhances the firearm’s safety, which subsequently boosts your safety.

Step-by-step Guide to Disassembling the Browning Citori

When it comes to cleaning a firearm like the Browning Citori, one crucial step is being familiar with its disassembly. I’ll guide you through this process. But remember, safety should always be your first concern.

  1. First you’ll need to ensure that the firearm is unloaded. Always handle a firearm as if it’s loaded even if you’re positive it’s not. Take time to double-check.
  2. After verifying, begin by removing the forearm. To do this, pull the lever located at the front of the firearm. Ease the forearm off gently to avoid damaging the mechanism.
  3. The next step is removing the barrels. Hold the stock with one hand and the barrels with the other. Carefully lift the barrels upward and they’ll slide out seamlessly. At this point, you’ll have a clear view of the internal parts for thorough cleaning.
  4. With barrels off, the next part to handle is the choke tubes. Most models of Browning Citori have interchangeable choke tubes. To remove these, you need a choke tube wrench. Simply insert the wrench into the grooves on the choke tube and twist it counterclockwise.
  5. Finally, you’ll remove the stock and action. Loosen the stock bolt underneath the recoil pad until it’s out of the stock. Make sure you retain all the small parts and put them in safe place.

There you have it. You should now have a disassembled Browning Citori, laid out and ready for a proper cleaning. Stick with me as I walk you through the actual cleaning process. You’ll learn the right way to clean every component, without causing undue harm to your valuable firearm. This next part of the cleaning journey is just as crucial as the disassembly. It’s all about preserving the life and performance of your Browning Citori. Let’s proceed.

Cleaning the Barrel and Choke Tubes

It’s time to get our hands dirty, focusing on the barrel and choke tubes of our Browning Citori. These components are often the most affected by gunshot residue, and hence, warrant detailed attention.

To clean the barrel, start by using a cleaning rod with a proper-sized bronze brush soaked in solvent. Gently push it through the barrel from the breech end. It’s significant to move in the same direction the shot travels. After a few passes, follow it up with a patch soaked in solvent and repeat the process. Once completed, use a clean, dry patch to remove any leftover solvent and debris from the gun barrel.

Now that the barrel’s clean in our Browning Citori, let’s shift our focus to the choke tubes. If you’ve shot a lot without paying attention to these parts, they can become caked with residue and become difficult to remove—necessitating a choke tube wrench.

To clean the choke tubes, soak them in solvent and use a choke tube brush to scrub them thoroughly. Once clean, it’s essential to properly lubricate the choke tubes before reinstalling them. Incorrect or lack of sufficient lubrication can lead to the tubes getting stuck—an avoidable nuisance.


  • Always move the cleaning rod in the direction of the shot
  • Never forget to lubricate the choke tubes before reinstallation

Attending to the barrel and choke tubes will ensure smooth workflow of your Browning Citori and sustain its life. Next, I’ll explain how to maintain the stock and action—parts that are often ignored in a cleaning session but are vital nonetheless.

Cleaning the Action and Receiver

From my experience, one of the most important parts of maintaining a Browning Citori is keeping the action and receiver clean. The action is the heart of the firearm, facilitating firing and reloading. The receiver, the ‘body’ of the firearm, houses all moving parts and components, including the action. Tending to these vital areas ensures your firearm stays in prime condition and maintains its high level of performance.

My top method for cleaning the action is using a spray-on cleaner. It’s fast-acting and reaches every nook and cranny. Do not overlook the beneficial impact of letting the cleaning agent sit for a few minutes. This rest period allows the cleaning agent to penetrate and soften stubborn residue before wiping it off.

Like the action, the receiver also requires a meticulous cleaning approach. Gradually clear all the filth with a soft brush, making sure to uproot grimy residues from hidden all corners. Another trick I’ve found useful is using a dry lint-free cloth to wipe the receiver down post-clearing. Be cautious around the trigger settlement and other sensitive parts to avoid damage or malfunctions.

Though we’ve focused mainly on the action and receiver up until now, we mustn’t overlook the relevance of the forearm and stock in our cleaning protocol.

Keeping the Forearm and Stock Clean

Inevitably, your Browning Citori’s forearm and stock collect oil and dirt from being handled. An optimal method to tackle this is wiping these areas with a slightly damp cloth, following up with a good quality gun oil to provide a protective layer. This action prevents grime from penetrating and discoloring your firearm’s wood sections.

By following through with the cleaning practices I’ve outlined above, your Browning Citori should ideally remain reliable, and its life expectancy could be significantly extended.

Our next topic will be on preserving the gun’s metals, an important part of maintenance often overlooked. We’ll delve into how to accomplish this without damaging the aesthetic value of your weapon.

Lubricating the Browning Citori

After the gun is clean, it’s time to lubricate it. This is a crucial step in maintaining the performance of your Browning Citori. Proper lubrication ensures a smooth, efficient operation and prevents wear and tear. Here’s how I do it with best practices.

Firstly, remember that the key areas to lubricate are the hinge pin and forearm hardware. To do this, you must apply a couple of drops of gun oil on the hinge pin. Do not use too much oil because if you do, it will attract dirt and grime, so keep it moderate.

Next, apply some oil to the forearm hardware. Start with the bearing surfaces of the forearm iron and the cocking levers. Just a few drops will do the job and ensure smooth operation. Remember, it’s about quality, not quantity. Proper lubrication doesn’t imply soaking your shotgun in oil, contrary to what some might think.

When it comes to the action and receiver, things are a bit different. I prefer using a small soft brush to apply a thin coat of oil to all moving parts such as the trigger assembly, safety, and top lever.

As a rule of thumb, avoid lubricating the ejectors specifically. That’s because dirt and grime can accumulate here, causing a malfunction. Stick to using a dry brush or cloth to rid them of any residual dirt instead of applying oil.

It’s crucial to note that the type of oil you use matters. I highly recommend oils specifically designed for firearms. Avoid household oils as these can contain impurities harmful to your gun. And remember – the right gun oil will not only lubricate but also protect against rust.

In terms of oiling the stock and forearm, it’s simple. Lightly rub some gun oil into the wood with a lint-free cloth. This helps keep the wood supple, enhances its look, and offers a degree of protection.

There you have it, a quick guide on lubricating your Browning Citori. Remember that effective cleaning paired with proper lubrication significantly enhances the overall performance and lifespan of your firearm. By regularly practicing these methods, your Browning Citori will always remain in top-notch condition, ready for your next hunt or shooting competition. Therefore, don’t neglect these essential maintenance tasks.

Reassembling the Browning Citori

Alright, let’s move onto the next practical step after lubrication – reassembling your Citori. I can’t stress enough, ensuring proper assembly is integral to the firearm’s performance.

First, you’ll need to put back the barrels. Carefully aim the hinge pin towards the rounded hook in the receiver, then lower the barrels into place. If you’ve done this correctly, it’ll slot right in, rotating with a secure, satisfying click.

It’s time to reattach the forearm. Keep in mind, while putting it back, slightly tilt the iron upwards, so it locks in place with the barrels correctly. You should listen for a distinct snap sound. This means your forearm is secure.

Alright, onto the trigger. Remember, it’s essential that you insert the trigger group back correctly, to avoid misfirings or other potential consequences. Carefully slide the trigger assembly back into the receiver, ensuring it’s seated correctly.

Think we’re done? Not quite. You’ve still got a few more screws to put back in, chiefly the stock. Remember to fasten the stock tightly to the receiver using correct-sized screwdrivers. After the stock is secure, give your firearm a once-over.

Check if all the parts are fitting as they should. Look for any gaps, loose screws, or parts that don’t appear to be seated correctly. Make sure that everything looks tidy and professional, just the way a Browning Citori should.

Once you’ve confirmed everything is in place, give your firearm a quick function test. Check the safety, test the ejectors, and ensure that the action is moving fluidly.

So there you have it, a comprehensive guide to reassembling your Browning Citori. But remember, this is only one part of the overall process. Regular maintenance – cleaning, lubrication, and so on – is the key to a hardworking, long-lasting firearm.

Tips for Proper Storage and Maintenance

After you’ve skillfully reassembled your Browning Citori, it’s time to consider storage and maintenance. These elements are key for the preservation and performance of your firearm.

Proper Storage is Essential

Store your Browning Citori in a dry and clean environment to avoid rust and debris buildup. I recommend investing in a well-built gun safe for maximum protection.

  • Humidity Control: Consider humidity control options like dehumidifying packs or silica gel canisters. High humidity can lead to damaging rust.
  • Proper Positioning: Don’t store your firearm muzzle down. It encourages oil to leak into the firing pin area, leading to malfunctions.

Maintenance Matters

Regular maintenance keeps your Browning Citori in top shooting shape.

  • Clean Regularly: Don’t wait for your firearm to malfunction before cleaning it. Regularly clean the barrel, action, and other parts after every shooting session.
  • Lubrication: Regularly oil the moving parts to reduce friction. However, excess oil can attract dirt so be mindful not to overdo it.
  • Schedule a Professional Check-up: Annually take your firearm to a certified technician for a check-up. They’ll catch any wear-and-tear you might miss.

The value of proper gun storage and routine maintenance can’t be overstated. Despite not being in use, firearms still undergo wear. By following these storage and maintenance best practices, you are extending the life of your Browning Citori, for a rewarding shooting experience. It’s our collective responsibility to handle and care for firearms with the utmost respect and diligence.


So there you have it. I’ve shared how you can keep your Browning Citori in top-notch condition. Remember, it’s all about proper storage and regular maintenance. Keep it in a clean, dry place, preferably a gun safe. Don’t overlook the importance of controlling humidity and always store it right – not muzzle down. Regular cleaning and lubrication can’t be stressed enough. And don’t forget that annual check-up with a certified technician. It’s these small steps that will ensure your Browning Citori lasts a lifetime and gives you a shooting experience that’s second to none.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How should I store my Browning Citori firearm?

A: Store your Browning Citori firearm in a dry and clean environment, preferably in a gun safe. Avoid storing it muzzle down to prevent any damage.

Q: What can I do to maintain my Browning Citori firearm?

A: Regularly clean and lubricate your Browning Citori firearm to ensure its optimal performance. Schedule an annual check-up with a certified technician to address any potential issues and maintain its longevity.

Q: Are there any additional precautions I should take for storage?

A: Yes, consider using humidity control options, such as dehumidifiers or moisture-absorbing packs, to prevent moisture-related damage to your Browning Citori firearm during storage.

Q: How can I ensure a rewarding shooting experience with my Browning Citori firearm?

A: By following proper storage and maintenance practices, you can extend the life of your Browning Citori firearm and enjoy a reliable and satisfying shooting experience.