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If you’re a proud owner of a Colt Commander, you know that regular maintenance is key to its longevity and performance. I’m here to guide you through the process of cleaning your firearm, ensuring it’s always ready for action.

In this article, we’ll delve into the step-by-step process of cleaning a Colt Commander. We’ll discuss the tools you’ll need, how to disassemble the gun, clean each part, and then reassemble it. It’s a straightforward process that any gun owner can handle, and I’ll make it even easier for you.

So, whether you’re a seasoned gun enthusiast or a beginner, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to keep your Colt Commander in tip-top shape. Stay tuned, and let’s dive into the world of proper firearm maintenance.

Tools Needed for Cleaning a Colt Commander

Before I dive into the nitty-gritty of cleaning a Colt Commander, it’s crucial to gather all necessary tools. Proper planning ensures a smooth cleaning process and keeps your beloved firearm in perfect condition. These tools aren’t overly specialized and the majority of them might already be in your possession. Here’s what you’ll need:

Gun Cleaning Solvent: This is specially formulated to dissolve and remove any residue, gunk or build-up that accumulates in your firearm.

Gun Oil: It’s not just about cleaning – maintenance is key. After cleaning, you’ll need gun oil to lubricate and protect the gun’s parts.

Cleaning Rod with Patch Holder & Brushes: These tools are used to physically remove debris and apply the cleaning solvent. They come in sizes specific to the Colt Commander’s .45 caliber barrel.

Patches and Cotton Swabs: You’ll use patches with the rod and patch holder to clean inside the barrel, while cotton swabs help in cleaning smaller and hard-to-reach areas.

Gun Cleaning Mat: This isn’t a requirement, but it’s highly recommended. It provides a clean, organized space for your disassembly and cleaning process. This mat will protect both your gun components and your work surface.

So, there you have it, a neat list of tools that can make the cleaning of your Colt Commander much easier. With each of these tools at your disposal, you’re ready to dive into the cleaning process. Given the significance of routine maintenance for when owning a gun, it’s essential to have these tools on-hand. Remember, thorough cleaning requires a bit of time, patience and the right tools. Now, we’re ready to pull those sleeves up and break down the Colt Commander for a thorough cleaning. The best part? I’m here to walk you through each step. So, let’s continue our journey of maintaining your gun’s best performance.

Disassembling Your Colt Commander

Before we get into the step-by-step process, safety is crucial. Make sure to unload your Colt Commander before you start disassembling it. By doing so, you’re reducing the risk of accidental discharge.

Moving onto our primary mission, let’s dive right into it. Grab your gun cleaning mat and place your unloaded firearm on it. The mat will help in keeping your parts organized and protecting your work surface.

Example of an unloaded Colt Commander on a gun cleaning mat

Next, let’s start the disassembly process by removing the magazine. Press the magazine release button and pull out the magazine. Now, we’ll proceed by extracting the slide. Pull it back until the round slide stop notch aligns with the slide stop. Push the slide stop pin through and pull it out, allowing you to remove the slide assembly from your gun’s frame.

What you should have now is a separate frame, slide, barrel, and spring! Just like this:

Parts of an disassembled Colt Commander

Then you’ll continue with removing the guide rod and the recoil spring. Make sure to hold these parts tightly because they are under tension and can spring out.

Finally, pull the barrel out of the slide from the front, and voila! Your Colt Commander is now disassembled, ready for a thorough cleaning.

In our next steps, I’ll guide you through how to use the cleaning solvent, patches, cotton swabs, and gun oil effectively to ensure your Colt Commander functions at its peak performance. Remember, a well-maintained firearm is not just about cleanliness; it’s about dependability and safety as well. So, off to the next task of cleaning, shall we?

Cleaning the Barrel

After successfully disassembling your Colt Commander, it’s time to turn our attention to the barrel. Regular barrel cleaning is essential to maintain the firearm’s performance and accuracy.

Starting with the cleaning rod, attach a properly sized bronze bore brush. Ensure the brush is soaked with a high-quality cleaning solvent. This will help break down the accumulation of any lead, copper, or carbon build-up inside the barrel.

To clean the barrel effectively, here’s what you need to do:

  • Insert your cleaning rod into the breech, which is the rear end of the barrel, and push it through until it emerges at the other end.
  • Rotate the rod and brush clockwise. This keeps the bristles from unwinding and covers the entire bore surface.
  • Push and pull the rod through the entire length of the barrel several times. This allows the solvent-soaked brush to scrub the interior adequately.

Give the solvent time to work on the residue. Ten to fifteen minutes should suffice. After waiting, repeat the process but this time with a patch instead of the brush. This is crucial to remove any loosened residue.

Keep changing the patches and repeating the process until a patch comes out clean. Before you breathe a sigh of relief, do a muzzle light test to make sure you didn’t miss anything. Hold the barrel up against a light source and look down the bore. If the light comes through with no interruptions and the interior looks shiny and clean, you’ve effectively cleaned the barrel.

In the next section, I’ll guide you on how to reassemble your Colt Commander. This will put all the pieces together to ensure that your firearm is clean, well-oiled, and ready to perform. But that’s not all; we’ll also discuss preventive maintenance practices to extend its life.

Cleaning the Slide and Frame

After we’ve meticulously cleaned the barrel of our Colt Commander, it’s time to move on to the slide and frame. These parts typically harbor a considerable amount of residues after firing. So it’s vitally important to clean them properly, ensuring the firearm functions smoothly and accurately.

Step 1: Detach the Slide from the Frame

First, I’ll begin by detaching the slide from the frame. This separation is a necessary step as it allows me to access every nook and in the slide and frame. Significant attention needs to go into this procedure to avoid any accidental damages.

Step 2: Use the Cleaning Solution

Next, I’ll use a non-abrasive cleaning solvent to carefully clean these components. Using a soft cleaning brush, I’ll gently agitate the solution in a back-and-forth motion along the slide rails and the inner surfaces of the frame.

Step 3: Brush Off the Residues

At this point, I find it much easier to brush away any stubborn residues that might still be lingering around. Abrasive remnants of any kind have the potential to disrupt the smooth operation of the Colt Commander, so every hard-to-reach area must be thoroughly scrubbed.

Step 4: Apply a Lubricant

Following this, the application of a good quality firearm lubricant is vital. Lubrication acts as a barrier against future dirt and debris. It also reduces friction during mechanical activities, dramatically extending the longevity of the Colt Commander.

A little advice that I’d like to share: Gloves should always be worn during this entire process. Safety should always be the number one priority!

Next, let’s delve further into how we reassemble the Colt Commander after we’ve given it a thorough cleaning. But remember, once we’ve oiled and reassembled all the parts, let’s not forget to revisit our preventive maintenance practices. After all, routine maintenance is a surefire way to ensure our Colt Commander continues to operate at its best.

Cleaning the Small Parts

Moving on from the slide and frame, it’s crucial to pay attention to the small parts of your Colt Commander too. Neglecting these pieces could lead to functional issues down the line. So, let’s turn our attention towards the grip screws, magazine release button, trigger, and firing pin.

To clean these parts thoroughly, I’d suggest using a good quality, small bristle brush. Keep in mind that careful and detailed cleaning should be your top priority here. You’re allowed to take your time. Dab the brush in some cleaning solution and gently scrub each part. Your aim should be to remove grit, dirt, or any other deposits that might’ve built up over time.

Getting the grip screws clean can be a little tricky but don’t worry. Use the brush to scrub around the edges, and if necessary, unscrew them to clean the threading. As for the magazine release button, make sure to clean all its sides, especially the one facing the magazine well. With the trigger, brushing the sides and bottom should do the trick.

Remember, patience is key when cleaning the firing pin and its spring. These are vital components of your firearm and must be cleaned delicately to avoid damage. Neglecting the firing pin can lead to misfires, a common problem with poorly maintained firearms.

Following these tips will ensure a thorough clean. However, keep in mind that preventive maintenance goes a long way. Regular cleaning after each use can save you from a lot of trouble later.

Let’s proceed to the next part of reassembling and maintaining your Colt Commander.

Reassembling Your Colt Commander

Once the parts of your Colt Commander are spotless, it’s time to get them back together. Patience and careful attention to detail are again of utmost importance in this phase.

Starting with the frame, insert the cleaned and lightly oiled magazine release button and trigger. The trigger should smoothly slide into its original place. If it doesn’t, check that the pieces are aligned correctly. No brute force needed here, folks.

Let’s move to the slide. You should insert the firing pin and its spring into their respective places. Remember, these are the parts you spent extra time cleaning. Any mishandled or misaligned part could result in a malfunction.

Once the frame and slide are in place, join them together. Use the slide stop to reconnect these parts. Ensure that the action smoothly cycles without any hitches. It’s a good practice to dry test the action a few times to ensure functionality.

After the reassembly, it’s time for lubrication. The health and longevity of your firearm depend heavily on this step. Use a quality gun oil and apply sparingly on the necessary areas such as the barrel, slide rails, and other moving parts. An over-lubricated gun could accumulate dust and dirt, which hampers functionality over time.

Owning a firearm like the Colt Commander comes with the responsibility of understanding its minute intricacies and treating it with respect. Maintain it with care, and it’ll perform optimally for years to come.

In the next section, we’ll delve into the preventive maintenance strategies, so keep reading.


So there you have it. Cleaning and reassembling your Colt Commander isn’t as daunting as it may seem. It’s all about patience, attention to detail, and following the steps meticulously. The key takeaway here is to avoid using excessive force and to test the functionality before fully reassembling the firearm. Lubrication plays a significant role, but remember, it’s not about quantity, but rather about strategic placement. Keeping your firearm in top condition isn’t just about performance, but it’s also about safety. With regular maintenance, you’ll not only ensure your Colt Commander’s longevity but also its optimal performance. Up next, let’s delve into preventive maintenance strategies, another crucial aspect of firearm upkeep.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What does the article discuss?

The article explains the process of reassembling a Colt Commander firearm after cleaning its parts, emphasizing patience and attention to detail.

Q: What are the step-by-step instructions provided?

The article provides instructions for reassembling the frame and slide, including inserting the magazine release button, trigger, firing pin, and its spring.

Q: What does the article recommend during reassembly?

The article advises against using force and suggests dry testing the action to ensure functionality. It also highlights the importance of proper lubrication without overdoing it.

Q: What does the article conclude with?

The article concludes by highlighting the responsibility of understanding and maintaining the firearm for optimal performance. The next section will cover preventive maintenance strategies.