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If you’re a Glock 43 owner, you know it’s a reliable firearm. But like any other tool, it needs regular maintenance to keep it in top-notch condition. I’m here to guide you on how to clean your Glock 43, ensuring it functions flawlessly every time you pull the trigger.

In this article, we’ll delve into the step-by-step process of cleaning a Glock 43. We’ll cover everything from disassembling the firearm to the actual cleaning process. I’ll even throw in some handy tips and tricks I’ve learned over the years.

Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned gun owner, you’ll find this guide useful. So, let’s get our cleaning kits ready and dive into the world of Glock maintenance.

Disassembling Your Glock 43

Before diving into how we are going to take apart our Glock 43, it’s vital to know that safety always comes first. Ensure your firearm is free of any cartridges in the chamber or the magazine. After confirming it’s safe, let’s get to the disassembling process.

First off, point the gun in a safe direction and release the magazine by pressing the magazine release button. Check again to make sure the chamber is empty. Next up, pull the trigger in the safe direction. It’s an essential step because the Glock 43 doesn’t have a traditional manual safety system.

Firmly grasp the gun just above the trigger guard then pull the slide back a little—not all the way—just enough to relieve tension. Maintaining the slide in this position, pull down the slide lock on both sides, this can be a bit tricky as it’s spring-loaded. Once achieved, carefully push the slide forward off the top end of the frame. And voila, you’ve disassembled a Glock 43!

Within these parts, you’ll find the main points for cleaning:

  • Barrel
  • Slide
  • Frame
  • Spring assembly

Each of these plays a pivotal role in the Glock’s operation, which is why they all need regular maintenance and care.

Keep in mind that how you handle your gun before cleaning has a direct bearing on how well it will function after. That’s why following these disassembling steps accurately is extremely crucial.

However, a too-frequent disassembly isn’t always beneficial, as it can unnecessarily wear down the components. Following the manufacturer’s recommended cleaning intervals is a wise approach. Now, let’s forward march to cleaning – and ensuring our Glock 43 is in optimal operational condition.

Gathering Your Cleaning Supplies

Before we delve into the physical aspect of cleaning your Glock 43, it’s crucial to gather all the necessary supplies. These tools will not only ensure an effective cleaning process but will also enhance your maintenance skills over time.

First on the list is a good quality gun cleaning kit. These kits are widely available and come outfitted with the essential tools needed for gun maintenance. Some of the key items you’ll find in a standard gun cleaning kit include:

  • A bore brush
  • Cleaning patches
  • Gun cleaning solvent
  • Lubricating oil

Next, a cleaning mat is also a valuable asset. It helps protect your work surface from any oils, solvents, or tiny parts that may fall off during cleaning.

Another must-have is a small flashlight. While it may sound unconventional, a flashlight can be handy to illuminate the inner workings of your Glock, helping you spot any built-up dirt or residue that might be hiding.

Lastly, disposable gloves can be a great add-on. Cleaning chemicals can be harsh on the skin, and gloves can help protect it. Plus, they also prevent the transfer of oils from your skin to the gun.

Once you’ve gathered all these supplies, it’s time to move forward. Let’s take a step closer to ensuring your Glock 43 remains dependable and accurate under any condition. After all, a clean gun is a reliable gun—a mantra every responsible owner should abide by.

Don’t forget: safety should always be your priority. Store these pieces of equipment safely where children or people without gun training cannot access them. Regular gear checks are also necessary to ensure all items are in good working order before their next use.

Now that you’re equipped with everything you need, let’s get down to the cleaning process, shall we?

Cleaning the Barrel

Now that you’ve gathered your cleaning supplies, let’s move on to the nitty-gritty. It’s time to pay attention to the ‘heart’ of your Glock 43, the barrel. The primary focus in this step will be removing dirt, residue, and any accumulated grime that could affect the weapon’s performance.

Start by using your gun cleaning rod to gently push a handgun cleaning patch soaked in solvent through the barrel. Here’s a pro tip: always make sure to push from the back of the barrel toward the front, following the bullet’s path.

Once you’ve done the initial cleaning, it’s time to bring in the bore brush. Fix the bore brush to your cleaning rod and then apply the solvent. Run the brush back and forth through the barrel’s entire length. This will help remove deeper grime and residues. It’s recommended to make at least 10 passes, but feel free to make more if necessary.

Looking inside the barrel with a flashlight will help you check if its interior is clean. The flashlight is your best friend in this situation; it shows you exactly where you still need to scrub. Look out for unusual spots, remaining residue, or rough surfaces inside the barrel.

On normal days, cleaning the barrel like this should suffice. But sometimes, when you’ve fired a lot and haven’t cleaned your gun in a while, it may require a little extra scrubbing. In such cases, you may opt for a handgun cleaning mop, which can provide a more detailed clean.

Cleaning the Slide and Frame

After detailing the barrel, it’s crucial we move our focus to Cleaning the slide and frame of the Glock 43. The slide and frame also catch a fair bit of residue during use, which can affect performance if not regularly maintained. An effective and thorough slide and frame cleaning routine includes the following steps:

Start by lightly moistening a clean cotton patch with some gun solvent. Now, take this dampened patch and gently scrub the inner and outer surface of the slide. Carefully observe for any visible dirt or grime when wiping.

In case you encounter stubborn fouling spots, reach for a nylon brush to help you out. This tool can dislodge hard-to-remove grime effectively. Just remember, it’s not about scrubbing harder but smarter. Repeated gentle scrubbing is far better than harsh, damaging strokes.

Next, let’s pay attention to the frame. Using a cotton swab or a cleaning brush, apply the solvent to all parts of the frame, both internal and external. The trigger assembly and magazine well usually collect a lot of grime, so ensure they are given extra care.

Once the frame is clean, you’ll need to lubricate the slide and frame to prevent rust and reduce wear. A tiny drop of gun oil on the slide rails will do. Don’t get carried away with the oil; too much can attract more dust and negatively impact the firearms performance.

So now, your Glock 43’s slide and frame are meticulously cleaned. A routine of regular maintenance for these parts will make sure they continue to function smoothly just like the barrel, giving you a reliable, well-tuned firearm. As we’ll explore in the next sections, proper care extends beyond just cleaning; it’s also about knowing every part of your firearm and routinely checking for signs of wear or damage.

From here, let’s move to our next agenda – reassembling the Glock 43. I’ll make it easy for you with my step-by-step guide, so stay tuned and keep your cleaning tools handy.

Lubricating the Parts

Once you’ve taken care of the cleaning, your Glock 43 will need to be lubricated. Lubrication isn’t just an option—it’s a must for keeping your weapon functioning smoothly and extending its lifespan.

Let’s begin by exploring why lubrication is essential.

Unwanted friction can wear out even the most durable materials, and your firearm is no exception. Over time, the constant grinding of metal parts against each other can cause serious damage. Consequently, your Glock’s performance may deteriorate, which, as any gun enthusiast knows, isn’t ideal. Therefore, introducing a lubricant reduces this friction, keeping the wear to a minimum.

Furthermore, a well-oiled firearm is less likely to rust. Any metal exposed to air for extended periods is prone to oxidation—and this holds for your Glock too. Got your Glock frequently wet? It’s even more crucial for you to lubricate, as water speeds up the rusting process.

Now that you know the “why,” let’s delve into the “how.”

Luckily, lubricating a Glock 43 isn’t rocket science. With the right equipment and approach, you’ll master it in no time.

For this task, you’ll need gun oil—I can’t stress enough, gun oil, not regular oil. A rule of thumb I like to stick to is: whenever in doubt, stick with the manufacturer’s recommendation. They’ve been doing this for years and probably know a thing or two about their products.

When you have your oil ready, it’s time for the actual lubricating. Lightly apply there oil on the slide rails, the barrel, and the rear of the barrel on the outside, where it links with the slide. Then, gently wipe off any excess oil from these parts.

You might wonder whether you need to oil other parts. The quick answer? No. Trust me, your Glock was engineered to perform optimally with minimal lubrication. Over-oiling won’t make it work better; in fact, it could attract more grime and dirt, causing more harm than good.

Reassembling Your Glock 43

Now that we’ve covered the cleaning and lubrication, it’s time to tackle the reassembly. Don’t worry, reassembling a Glock 43 is an easy process when you’re familiar with each step.

To start, take your slide and gently slide it onto the frame. It should smoothly fit into place. If you feel any resistance, don’t force it. Ensure that both elements are clean, well lubricated, and correctly aligned.

Now let’s do the reinsertion of the barrel. Insert the barrel back into the slide by reversing the process used to remove it. Remember, be mindful not to mar anything—patience is everything during reassembly.

Next up is installing the recoil spring. Position it into its proper place. Be certain that the end of the spring aligns perfectly with the notch on the barrel. Again, if there’s resistance, double-check your alignment before proceeding.

While reassembling, make sure to follow these guidelines:

  • Take your time: a hasty process leads to mistakes. Don’t rush!
  • Check alignments carefully: Every piece should fit snugly together without force.
  • Use the proper tools: Having the right tools for the process makes reassembly smoother.
  • Wipe off excess oil: Over-oiling can attract more dust, so make a quick check and clean if necessary.

By now, your Glock 43 should feel like a single, cohesive unit once again. Proper reassembly is vital to ensure your firearm functions correctly when you need it. Armed with this knowledge, you’re well-equipped to maintain your Glock 43, whether for personal defense, competition, or just target shooting. Up next, we’ll discuss proper storage and maintenance tips to keep your Glock in pristine condition. Keep in mind that firearm maintenance doesn’t end with cleaning and reassembly—it’s an ongoing task you’ll need to keep up with.

Handy Tips and Tricks for Glock Maintenance

Maintaining a Glock is a process that extends beyond simple cleaning and reassembling. Let’s discuss a few valuable tips and strategies that could aid you in preserving the condition and performance of your Glock 43.

Regular Inspection

Inspecting your Glock 43 frequently is vital. Make sure you are paying close attention to the barrel, as it’s the mostly likely area to show signs of wear and tear. Look out for any unusual signs like pitting, grooving, or cracks. Anything out of the ordinary should be addressed by a professional gunsmith immediately.

Use Quality Solvent and Lube

Quality products can significantly impact the longevity of your Glock. When cleaning, I recommend using a high-quality gun solvent like Hoppe’s No. 9. This trusted brand breaks down and removes dirt, grime, and old oil from your firearm effectively. After thorough cleaning, use a top-notch gun lubricant. My favorite is Break-Free CLP, a cleaner, lubricant, and protectant all in one. It provides excellent protection against rust and reduces friction among parts, which can lead to lower wear and tear.

Don’t Over Lubricate

While lubrication is essential, it’s also important to remember that too much of it can be detrimental. Over-lubrication can attract dust and grit, which can cause more harm than good. After applying your lubricant, make sure you are wiping off any excess to prevent this issue.

Safe Storage

Proper storage of your Glock 43 is another factor to ensure its longevity. Make sure it’s stored in a dry, cool place, free from humidity and direct sunlight. A safe or gun cabinet can provide ideal storage conditions as they often have built-in mechanisms to control humidity.

Through these practices, you’ll significantly increase the lifespan of your Glock 43. Regular upkeep and mindful storage methods will ensure that it retains its precision and accuracy, providing you with reliable performance time after time. Remember, consistency is the key when it comes to gun maintenance, and your Glock 43 deserves your utmost attention and care.


I’ve walked you through the essential steps for cleaning your Glock 43. It’s not just about cleanliness, but also about preserving the performance and longevity of your firearm. Remember, using a cotton patch and gun solvent is key for getting rid of dirt and grime. Don’t forget to use a nylon brush for those stubborn fouling spots. Lubrication is a must to prevent rust and reduce wear. Beyond cleaning, regular inspection, using quality solvent and lube, avoiding over-lubrication, and safe storage are crucial. These practices will ensure your Glock 43 stays in top-notch condition. So, grab your cleaning kit and give your Glock the care it deserves. It’s a small investment of time that’ll pay off in the long run.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is it important to clean my Glock 43 regularly?

A: Regular cleaning ensures proper functioning, prevents malfunctions, and extends the lifespan of your Glock 43.

Q: How often should I clean my Glock 43?

A: It is recommended to clean your Glock 43 after every shooting session, or at least once every few months if not used frequently.

Q: What tools do I need to clean a Glock 43?

A: You will need a cotton patch, gun solvent, a nylon brush, a clean cloth, and gun lubricant designed for firearms.

Q: How do I clean the slide and frame of my Glock 43?

A: Start by field-stripping the Glock, then apply gun solvent to a cotton patch and wipe down the slide and frame to remove dirt and grime.

Q: What should I do if there are stubborn fouling spots on my Glock 43?

A: Use a nylon brush and gun solvent to scrub the stubborn fouling spots, and then wipe them clean with a cotton patch.

Q: Is lubrication important for my Glock 43?

A: Yes, lubrication is crucial to prevent rust, reduce wear, and ensure smooth operation. Apply a small amount of gun lubricant to the slide and frame.

Q: Any additional tips for maintaining my Glock 43?

A: Regularly inspect your Glock for any signs of damage or excessive wear, use high-quality gun solvent and lube, avoid over-lubrication, and store it safely to maintain its condition and performance.