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If you’re a proud owner of an IWI Galil, you’ll know it’s more than just a firearm; it’s a dependable partner. But like any good partner, it needs care and attention to keep performing at its best. That’s where I come in. I’ll guide you through the ins and outs of cleaning your IWI Galil, ensuring it’s always ready for action.

This isn’t just about keeping your weapon shiny and new. It’s about extending its lifespan, maintaining its performance, and most importantly, ensuring your safety. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie, I’ve got you covered. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and get started, shall we?

In this article, we’ll dive into the best practices for cleaning your IWI Galil, the tools you’ll need, and some handy tips to make the process smoother. I promise, by the end, you’ll be handling your Galil like a pro.

Gathering the Necessary Cleaning Tools

Having the right tools is a fundamental part of the cleaning process. The IWI Galil is a robust firearm and it demands attention to detail. You don’t want to use incorrect or substandard equipment that could potentially damage your weapon.

Now let’s get straight to the point. Here’s your checklist for cleaning your IWI Galil:

  • Quality solvent and gun oil for lubrication.
  • Solvent-soaked cloths or swabs.
  • Nylon cleaning brushes of the appropriate size.
  • Cleaning rod with a cotton swab end.
  • Q-Tips for reaching difficult areas.

While gathering these, be sure they’re appropriate for your specific gun model. Some may think any generic cleaner or rod will do. But, it’s not the case. Each firearm is unique and requires specific tools for its maintenance. Remember, it’s about extending your firearm’s performance and security.

I cannot overstate the importance of a good quality solvent and gun oil. Pick a reliable brand with good reviews. Solvent cleans by dissolving powder residue, while oil helps to lubricate the moving parts. The solvent-soaked cloths are used for initial cleaning, while the swabs are used for meticulous work.

Nylon brushes help clean places that cannot be reached with a cloth. A brush paired with a good quality solvent and a bit of elbow grease will certainly make a difference. When choosing a cleaning rod, get one with a cotton swab end. Rather than using metal, cotton won’t scratch the interior surfaces of your firearm.

Lastly, Q-Tips. They help you reach those difficult areas where the rods can’t.

In the next section, we’ll collaborate these tools into the cleaning process of your IWI Galil. Let’s ensure you get the best use out of your firearm.

Field Stripping the IWI Galil

Field stripping, or disassembling the IWI Galil, is a vital part of the cleaning process. It’s essential to understand how the firearm functions before embarking on this task. Deciphering the Galil’s components boosts your familiarity with the gun, ultimately making the cleaning routine more efficient.

Safety first, always: Prior to any field stripping process, it’s crucial to double-check the firearm is unloaded. Engage the safety and remove the magazine. Retract the bolt and visually inspect the chamber to ensure no ammunition is present.

Let’s dive into the procedural details.

  1. Removal of the Top Cover: After confirming the firearm is not loaded, hit the top cover release button on the side of the receiver. This frees the top cover, lifting it off and setting it aside.
  2. Taking out the Recoil Spring and Bolt Carrier: Reach into the back of the receiver and take out the recoil spring. Pull the bolt carrier to the rear, then lift it up and out of the receiver.
  3. Strip the Gas Tube: Apply the bolt carrier’s charging handle to pry the upper portion of the locking lever. Once loose, lift the gas tube off the rifle, and there you have it—your IWI Galil is successfully field stripped.

Keeping track of every component and its correct orientation is key. I’ve found snapping a quick photo before stripping the gun can be a sagely move! Feel free to remove any further elements such as grips or stocks as needed, but be mindful not to disassemble more than you’re comfortable with reassembling. A successfully field stripped firearm should have exposed areas that, prior to this process, were inaccessible, paving the way for a thorough and effective cleaning session.

Next up, we’ll be diving deep into the step-by-step procedure of actual cleaning, tackling each disassembled part one by one. Now that you have grasped the nuances of field stripping an IWI Galil, you’re well prepared for this indispensable part of gun maintenance.

Cleaning the Barrel and Bore

Moving onto the next crucial stage in keeping your IWI Galil in optimal working condition. Cleaning the barrel and bore, while admittedly time-intensive, is vital for ensuring the firearm’s accuracy and longevity. Starting off with the tools needed, let’s delve right into our step-by-step guide.

You’ll need a cleaning rod with a properly sized bore brush, a patch holder, and a solvent of your choice. Remember, not all solvents are created equal; some are harsher on the metal. I’m partial to CLP (Cleaner, Lubricant, and Protectant) as it offers multiple benefits, but everyone has their preferences.

Insert the bore brush into the cleaning rod, apply your chosen solvent and push it all the way through the barrel from the chamber end. Don’t pull it back through. This’ll help avoid dragging the debris back into the barrel. Repeat this process a few times.

Next, switch the bore brush for the patch holder with a clean patch soaked in solvent. Use the same method as with the bore brush -push it all the way through, starting from the chamber end. This will wipe out all the loosened debris and gunk.

Replace the dirty patch with a fresh one and repeat the process until the patch comes out clean. Then, run a dry patch through the barrel to remove any leftover solvent.

After this, it’s time to inspect your handiwork. Hold the barrel up to a light source and look down the bore. It should be shiny with no visible lead or plastic fouling. If there’s any fouling left, you’ll need to repeat the previous steps.

Finally, run a patch lightly oiled with CLP or your prefered gun oil through to leave a protective layer in the bore. This will help to prevent rust and corrosion.

Following this, we’ll guide you through reassembling your IWI Galil, but more on that in the next section.

Removing Carbon Buildup from the Bolt Carrier

After you’ve successfully cleaned the barrel, it’s time to give your IWI Galil’s bolt carrier a thorough scrub. The maintenance of the bolt carrier is equally IMPORTANT since this component plays a critical role in the proper function of your firearm.

The first step in this process is to remove the bolt carrier. To do this, I hold the Galil upside down and release the bolt carrier group by pulling the charging handle to its rearmost position. Pay close attention to not allow the bolt carrier group to snap forward, which might result in damage or injury.

Props are handy for the next step, allowing you to place your IWI Galil upside down on a clean, flat surface. From here on, I start to identify areas with significant carbon buildup. These areas include the bolt’s tail, the bolt carrier, and the gas key. I use carbon cleaner and a nylon brush to gently scrub away any carbon deposits.

Bear in mind, this process may be time-consuming, mainly if the carbon deposits are thick. So, don’t rush. Take your time and be patient. Keep scrubbing until there’s no trace of carbon debris left.

After decarbonizing, I wipe down the bolt carrier using a clean cloth to absorb any residual solvent or cleaner. Next, I inspect the bolt carrier for any damages such as cracks, deformations, or failed staking on the gas key. If everything’s in order, your bolt carrier is now carbon-free and in pristineness.

Don’t forget to oil the firing pin before putting the bolt carrier group back into your IWI Galil. A well-lubricated bolt carrier ensures smoother action, reduces friction, prevents wear, and offers better protection against rust. A light coating is sufficient for smooth cycle and function — remember less is more when it comes to firearm lubrication.

Proceeding from here, we’ll pivot to the other imperative parts of your IWI Galil in the following sections that require cleaning.

Lubricating the Moving Parts

Moving on to the next stage of our IWI Galil cleaning guide. An equally crucial part of firearm maintenance is lubricating moving parts. A well-lubricated firearm ensures the mechanism moves smoothly and reduces the risk of malfunction due to friction or part wear. Furthermore, it adds an additional layer of protection against corrosion.

I’m going to walk you through the process. Begin with the bolt and bolt carrier. Apply a light film of quality firearm lubricant. You’d want to focus on both the bolt and inside the bolt carrier. A top tip is to ensure you’re not using an excessive amount that can attract and hold dirt and grit. Stick to a golden rule of gun maintenance that says: less is more.

On to the next, the charging handle. It’s the workhorse of any semi-automatic firearm and undergoes a fair amount of stress each time you charge the weapon. Apply a reasonable amount of lubricant on the surface that engages the bolt carrier.

The Trigger components can’t be neglected in this journey of maintenance. While it’s not necessary to disassemble the entire trigger mechanism for regular cleaning, applying a small amount of lubricant to the moving parts can keep the trigger operating smoothly.

Now don’t forget about the Magazine release button and the Safety selector lever. These are the parts you interact with every time you handle your firearm. A small amount of lubricant can keep these parts operating smoothly and with minimal resistance.

Here’s something to keep in mind when lubricating your firearm. Not all parts require the same amount of lubricant. Parts that undergo much wear and have significant friction require more lubricant, such as the bolt carrier, while those with little to no friction can make do with a small amount.

Well, we aren’t done yet. This firearm beauty still needs some attention to certain parts. Now let’s proceed to cleaning and inspecting other parts of our IWI Galil.

Reassembling the IWI Galil

After we’ve meticulously cleaned and inspected our Galil, the time has come to reassemble it. It’s crucial to remember that reassembling a firearm isn’t just about putting back pieces in their place. It’s about using the opportunity to familiarize yourself with important mechanical components.

Starting with the bolt and bolt carrier, let’s insert the bolt into the bolt carrier. The charging handle then slides into its channel on the bolt carrier. Apply a bit of your preferred lubricant to ensure a nice, smooth action.

Next, place your trigger components carefully back into their rightful positions. Your disassembly field strip guide will be a valuable resource during this stage. Again, light application of a high-quality firearm lubricant will make the reinstallation process easier and help protect crucial moving parts from undo friction and wear.

Our next point of focus is the magazine release button. After you’ve successfully replaced it, test the button to ensure it moves freely and springs back into place after being pressed. This step is important for the firearm’s proper functioning.

The safety selector lever is next. Since this part is integral to the firearm’s safe operation, reinstallation is a matter of high priority and should be done with the utmost care.

Finally, the last step is sliding the upper and lower receivers back together. The task might seem challenging first, but it gets easier with practice. Just remember not to force any parts together. If a piece is resisting, there’s likely an issue to resolve before you can proceed.

At the end of the reassembly process, you should always perform a function check. This is a routine set of operations that should be performed every time the Galil is reassembled to ensure all parts are operating correctly. It may include checking that the bolt carrier moves freely, the trigger resets properly, and safety mechanisms are functioning as they should be.

While we’re firsthand witnesses of the importance of regular cleaning, remember that the reassembly is just as vital to maintaining the operational longevity of the IWI Galil.

Extra Tips for Maintaining Your IWI Galil

Indeed, cleaning and reassembling your IWI Galil is only part of the bigger picture. Maintaining this versatile firearm goes beyond those steps. In this section, let’s dive into some extra tips to help you keep your Galil operating optimally.

Firstly, always use quality ammunition. I can’t stress enough how critical this is in preserving the health of your firearm. Opt for reputable brands as low-quality rounds can lead to malfunctions and increased wear and tear. Cheap ammo might save you money initially but, in the long run, they’re not worth the potential damage they could cause.

Secondly, schedule regular cleaning and inspection. While it’s true that the Galil is renowned for its durability, this doesn’t imply you can neglect its maintenance. A well-maintained firearm can last generations, so don’t skimp on cleaning. I recommend inspection and cleaning every 200-300 rounds, or at least after every use. It might seem excessive to some, but cleaning your Galil isn’t just about reaching certain round counts – It’s about ensuring its longevity and reliability.

Another crucial aspect of Galil maintenance is storing your firearm correctly. Remember, extreme cold or heat, and humidity can negatively impact your weapon. When storing the gun, ensure it’s unloaded, cleaned, and oiled. Storing it in a dry, cool location out of direct sunlight is ideal.

Lastly, know your firearm. A deep understanding of your IWI Galil’s inner workings gives you a better chance of spotting potential issues before they escalate. Familiarize yourself with all the mechanical components and how they function together. This knowledge could be invaluable should you encounter an issue while shooting.

I hope these extra tips for maintaining your IWI Galil prove useful for you. Remember, longevity and optimal performance of your firearm hinge largely on how well you preserve it. But don’t stop here, always continuously explore and learn more about your firearm to maintain it in the best condition possible.


So there you have it. Keeping your IWI Galil in top shape isn’t rocket science. It’s about regular cleaning, the right storage, and understanding the ins and outs of your firearm. Remember, quality ammunition plays a huge role in maintaining your Galil’s performance. Don’t skimp on this. I can’t stress enough the importance of continuous learning. The more you know about your firearm, the better you can care for it. So keep exploring, keep learning, and keep your IWI Galil performing at its best.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the extra tips for maintaining the IWI Galil?

A: The extra tips for maintaining the IWI Galil include using quality ammunition, scheduling regular cleaning and inspection, storing the firearm correctly, and understanding its inner workings.

Q: Why is using quality ammunition important for maintaining the IWI Galil?

A: Using quality ammunition is important for maintaining the IWI Galil because it helps prevent malfunctions and reduces wear and tear on the firearm.

Q: How often should I clean and inspect the IWI Galil?

A: It is recommended to schedule regular cleaning and inspection for the IWI Galil to ensure proper functioning and detect any potential issues. The frequency may vary depending on usage, but a general guideline is after every use or every few hundred rounds.

Q: How should I store the IWI Galil correctly?

A: The IWI Galil should be stored in a safe and secure location, ideally in a gun safe or lockable cabinet to prevent unauthorized access. It is also important to store it in a cool and dry environment to avoid moisture damage.

Q: Why is it important to understand the inner workings of the IWI Galil?

A: Understanding the inner workings of the IWI Galil is crucial because it allows the owner to troubleshoot common issues, perform basic maintenance tasks, and make informed decisions about customization or modifications.