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If you’re a proud owner of a Ruger Precision Rifle, you know it’s a beast on the range. But to keep it performing at its best, regular cleaning is a must. In this article, I’ll guide you through the process, ensuring your rifle stays in top-notch shape.

Cleaning a Ruger Precision Rifle isn’t as intimidating as it might seem. With the right tools and a bit of patience, you can do it yourself. We’ll cover everything from disassembling the rifle to cleaning each component. Stick with me and you’ll be a pro in no time.

Disassembling the Ruger Precision Rifle

The first thing you’ll need to do before starting is to ensure the rifle is unloaded. Safety should never be taken for granted when dealing with firearms.

Now let’s delve into the heart of the matter. Start by removing the bolt. Move the bolt to the rear, push the bolt release button on the left side of the receiver, and pull the bolt rearward out of the rifle. Easy as a pie, isn’t it?

Next, you’ll want to remove the handguard. Locate the two screws at the bottom – these will need to be removed. Once the screws are off, you can carefully slide the handguard forward and off the rifle. Take your time with this, there’s no rush.

The next step in disassembling your Ruger Precision Rifle is to remove the barrel using a barrel wrench. The barrel nut is positioned at the front of the upper receiver. Secure the receiver in a bench vise to steady it and use your wrench to loosen and remove the barrel nut. Remember to keep all your parts organized; it’s a lifesaver when it’s time to reassemble.

Now for the trigger assembly, you need a 5/32 hex key. Remove the two screws at the bottom of the receiver. Don’t misplace these screws – remember, they are crucial for putting your rifle back together.

What’s left? The pistol grip. To remove it, locate the screw at the base of the grip. Get it out, and voila, off comes the pistol grip.

In the next section, we’ll cover how to clean each component and maintain your Ruger Precision Rifle at its peak performance. In a nutshell, disassembling your rifle isn’t so daunting as you might’ve thought. With patience, attention to detail, and the right tools, it’s completely doable for any gun owner.

Remember to always do step by step, keeping track of all the parts and taking your time. An organized workspace and clear head contribute a lot in this procedure.

Stay tuned for the next phase in maintaining your Ruger Precision Rifle. There’s more of this journey to navigate together, and I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

Gathering the Necessary Tools and Supplies

Having the right cleaning tools and supplies for your Ruger Precision Rifle (RPR) at hand will ensure an efficient and successful cleaning process. So, let’s get started with what you’ll need:

  • A good quality cleaning rod or bore snake
  • A set of nylon or brass brushes for the caliber of your RPR
  • Cleaning jags and patches
  • Bore cleaner or solvent
  • High-quality gun oil and grease
  • Safety glasses and gloves

Onto why you need the items from the list.

The cleaning rod or bore snake is your primary tool for scrubbing and swabbing the bore and chamber. You want to choose a sturdy yet flexible rod or bore snake that can handle the length and caliber of your RPR’s barrel.

If you’re using a cleaning rod, make sure it’s one that won’t cause any harm to the barrel’s interior. Usually nylon or brass brushes are the safest choices as they are tough enough to remove hardened fouling, yet soft enough not to scratch the steel.

Next, cleaning jags and patches are instrumental for applying cleaners and oils to the proper areas. Just make sure to use patches that adequately fit your firearm’s caliber to achieve the best results.

Bore cleaner or solvent is critical to dissolve dirt, grease, and gunpowder residue. They are designed specifically for firearms to clean without causing any damage to the metal surfaces.

Your RPR needs to stay lubricated to function effectively, and high-quality gun oil and grease should be used. Oil helps reduce friction, while grease acts as an excellent barrier against rust and corrosion.

Finally, safety glasses and gloves are to keep you safe. Solvents may cause irritation if they get into your eyes or on your skin, so it’s always a good idea to have safety gear on when cleaning your gun.

Cleaning the Barrel and Bore

After you’ve disassembled your Ruger Precision Rifle, it’s time to turn our attention to the barrel and bore – the heart of your firearm’s accuracy. Remember, a clean bore ensures maximum accuracy and performance.

Use your cleaning rod or bore snake for this purpose. Starting at the breech end, gently insert the rod or snake. You’ll want to add a nylon or brass brush to the end of your rod and apply a generous amount of bore cleaner or solvent. It’s important to move it back and forth through the entire length of the bore several times. This process loosens any residue deposits inside.

Next, swap out the brush for a cleaning jag on your rod and attach a clean patch. Then, run it through the bore until it comes out on the other end. Don’t pull it back. You’re looking to guide all that debris out of the barrel, not back into it. Propelling the patch from the breech to the muzzle aligns with the direction of the bullet’s travel, matching its path and ensuring an efficient cleaning process.

You’ll notice the patches may come out dirty at first. That’s indeed a good sign! It means you’re pulling out the grime that might interfere with your gun’s performance. Keep repeating this process, using a clean patch each time, until it comes out the muzzle relatively clean.

Once clean, you’ll need to apply high-quality gun oil or grease. It’s recommended to use a new patch to apply the oil evenly without interrupting the cleaning process. Run it through the bore in the same manner as you did with cleaning patches. This lubricates the barrel and bore, preventing rust, decreasing friction, and helping your Ruger Precision Rifle function optimally.

Following these steps, you can ensure the superior performance of your firearm and prolong its lifespan. Just imagine it – nailing your targets with precision shot after shot, thanks to a clean and well-maintained barrel and bore.

Stay tuned as we dive into more specific cleaning processes in the next section because I believe this beast of a rifle deserves the best care we can provide.

Removing and Cleaning the Bolt

In the process of maintaining your Ruger Precision Rifle, an important step is the removal and cleaning of the bolt.

To do this, you’ll first need to ensure your rifle is unloaded and in a safe area. Then, put the bolt in the forward position and pull the trigger, enabling the bolt to come out swiftly.

Now that you’ve got the bolt out, cleaning it is next up. You’ll notice the firing pin, which can accumulate powder residue, and the bolt face, which is prone to dust. Using solvent, a nylon brush, and cleaning patches can aid this cleanup process.

For the firing pin, a gentle use of solvent with the nylon brush will do the trick. Scrub gently but thoroughly. If it’s excessively dirty, a brass brush might be more effective. I advise taking care to not use a brass brush regularly as it can cause unnecessary wear.

For the bolt face, the process is pretty similar. However, you’ll want to be sure to use a brush small enough to get into the various grooves. Once you’ve freed up the residue, wipe it down with a cleaning patch soaked in solvent.

Remember, after cleaning, it’s crucial to lubricate.

A light coat of high-quality gun oil should be applied to the entire bolt, emphasizing the contact surfaces. Lubricating these areas minimizes the risk of rust, reduces wear on moving parts, and ensures a smoother operation which results in optimal performance.

There you have it. Removing and cleaning the bolt of your Ruger Precision Rifle isn’t difficult at all once you’ve got the hang of it. It’s just one of the many procedures that’ll help maintain your rifle’s longevity and effectiveness.

In the next part of our guide, I’ll delve into the specifics of disassembling and cleaning the trigger assembly.

Cleaning the Lower Receiver and Trigger

Next on our list is the lower receiver and the trigger assembly. Done right, this prevents misfires and increases overall firearm performance. We’ll follow similar steps as before, with some variations, so watch closely.

Before we begin, remember: Safety always comes first. Make sure the rifle is unloaded and handling with caution.

We’ll dive right in to disassembling the trigger for a thorough clean.

  • Step 1: Start by removing the trigger assembly. Most Ruger Precision Rifles have a two-stage trigger so be careful not to lose any small parts.
  • Step 2: Once removed, spray the trigger assembly with a dedicated gun cleaning solvent.
  • Step 3: After solvent application, brush gently over all the surfaces using a nylon brush to remove all the grime. Pay special attention to the crevices.
  • Step 4: Once you’re done brushing, wipe the trigger assembly clean with a cloth.

Moving on, it’s time for the lower receiver. This area often collects a significant amount of grime so it’s important to clean it regularly to ensure the rifle functions properly.

  • Step 1: Use a cotton swab dipped in solvent to clean each crevice. Alternatively, a blast of pressurized air can do wonders to blow out lingering grime.
  • Step 2: After the lower receiver is clean, apply a thin layer of firearms grade lubricant to prevent rust.

In the upcoming sections, we’ll tackle the reassembly of the rifle, fine-tuning the trigger, and overall maintenance tips. Proper cleaning and maintenance of a Ruger Precision Rifle aren’t just about functionality – they’re also about ensuring the longevity of your weapon. Stick around, won’t you?

Lubricating and Reassembling the Rifle

At this critical juncture of the process, precision is key. Lubricating your Ruger Precision Rifle is an essential step to ensuring optimal performance. I’ve tried and tested numerous methods and, from my experience, a dab of high-quality gun oil on a clean patch should suffice. Apply the oil to any moving parts of the bolt. A light but thorough coating is what we’re aiming for.

Be sure to lubricate the bolt lugs, the cocking cam area, as well as the firing pin. Doing so minimizes friction and resists rust effectively. Remember, any excess oil can attract dust and grit that could affect the rifle’s performance. So, wipe away any extra with a clean patch.

Upon finishing the lubrication, it’s time for the home stretch – reassembling the Ruger Precision Rifle. The bolt guide rails should slide into place smoothly on the bolt body. Cock the bolt by pulling the handle backward and lock it in place. Slide the bolt assembly back into the receiver. It should glide smoothly if you’ve done a thorough job in cleaning and lubricating.

The lower receiver reattaches to the upper receiver quite easily once you line up the pins. Reinstall the magazine well by sliding it up into the receiver until you hear a solid click – that’s your cue to know it’s secure. Place the charging handle back into its respective slot. Move it back and forth to ensure it’s functioning properly.

On the outside of the receiver, you’ll see two small holes. That’s where you’ll place your torque wrench to fine-tune the trigger. You’ll want to set your wrench to a precise 2 pounds for the trigger shoe.

Retighten the grips and make sure every screw is back where it belongs. Give it a final once-over and there you have it, your Ruger Precision Rifle, disassembled, cleaned, lubricated, and reassembled. We aren’t quite done yet though. In the following sections, we’ll cover some extra maintenance tips and guide you through some processes to fine-tune your trigger.


So, there you have it. We’ve walked through the process of cleaning a Ruger Precision Rifle, from disassembly to reassembly. We’ve underscored the importance of using the right tools and supplies, not forgetting the essential step of lubricating with quality gun oil. We’ve also touched on how to fine-tune the trigger for optimal performance. Remember, regular maintenance and cleaning will keep your rifle in top shape. Stay tuned for more tips on additional maintenance and processes for fine-tuning the trigger. Your Ruger Precision Rifle deserves the best care you can give it, and now you’re equipped to do just that.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is safety important when disassembling a Ruger Precision Rifle?

A: Safety is crucial when disassembling a Ruger Precision Rifle to prevent accidents and injury. Always ensure the rifle is unloaded, keep your fingers away from the trigger, and follow proper handling procedures.

Q: What tools and supplies do I need for cleaning the rifle?

A: For cleaning the Ruger Precision Rifle, you will need a cleaning rod, bronze bore brush, cleaning patches, solvent, and lubricant. Additional tools such as a screwdriver set and bore snake might be helpful for specific cleaning tasks.

Q: How do I clean the barrel and bore of the rifle?

A: To clean the barrel and bore, attach the bronze bore brush to the cleaning rod, dip it in solvent, and run it through the barrel. Follow by running cleaning patches soaked in solvent through the barrel until they come out clean. Finally, run dry cleaning patches through to remove any solvent residue.

Q: How should I lubricate the rifle?

A: Use a high-quality gun oil to lubricate the moving parts of the bolt. Apply a thin, even coat of oil to ensure smooth operation. Avoid over-lubricating as excessive oil can attract dirt and debris.

Q: What is the process of reassembling the rifle?

A: Begin by attaching the lower receiver to the upper receiver, ensuring a secure fit. Then, reinsert the bolt, ensuring proper alignment. Finally, fine-tune the trigger to the desired pull weight and function, following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Q: Are there additional maintenance tips and processes covered in the article?

A: Yes, the article mentions that upcoming sections will cover additional maintenance tips and processes, including fine-tuning the trigger. These sections will provide further guidance on maintaining and optimizing the Ruger Precision Rifle.