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As a seasoned gun enthusiast, I’ve learned that maintaining your firearm is key to its longevity and performance. One rifle that often comes up in discussions is the Savage Model 110. It’s a popular choice among hunters and sports shooters alike, but it does require regular cleaning to keep it in top shape.

In this article, I’ll be sharing my tried-and-true method for cleaning a Savage Model 110. I’ll walk you through each step, from disassembling the rifle to the actual cleaning process, and finally, reassembling it. We’ll also cover the essential cleaning supplies you’ll need to get the job done right.

Disassembling the Savage Model 110

Now that we’ve gone over the necessary cleaning tools, let’s dive into the first crucial step: disassembling the Savage Model 110. Safely disassembling your firearm is an integral part of the maintenance process, ensuring you can properly clean every part.

First things first, always triple-check that your firearm is unloaded. This is a non-negotiable safety measure every gun owner must take. After confirming it’s unloaded, let’s begin.

Remove the bolt by pulling it back and pressing the trigger. Be careful not to drop the bolt once it comes loose. If you’re not familiar with the bolt, it’s the cylindrical part that helps chamber your rounds and eject spent casings, so it’s essential to handle it with care.

After removing the bolt, it’s time to detach the barrel and the action from the stock. You’ll typically find two screws near the trigger guard for this. Once you’ve removed these screws, the stock should easily separate from the barrel and action.

Underneath the barrel and action, you’ll see the trigger assembly. This is a more complex part of the gun and should be approached with caution. If you’re inexperienced in disassembling firearms, it might be best to leave the trigger assembly in place and clean around it as best you can.

After these steps, you’ve disassembled your Savage Model 110 into its main components. Remember to maintain an organized workspace while dealing with the parts. They’re small and easy to lose or misplace.

In the next section, we’ll discuss the actual cleaning process for each component, preparing you to confidently maintain your Savage Model 110. We’ll revisit steps like cleaning the barrel with a cleaning rod and patches, as well as the importance of using the correct solvents on your firearm components. Do not overlook any part – each is integral to the overall function and efficiency of your gun.

Gathering the Cleaning Supplies

Now that we’ve successfully disassembled the Savage Model 110, it’s time to discuss the next essential step: gathering the right cleaning supplies. Having the proper tools on hand doesn’t just make the cleaning process easier; it contributes to the longevity of your firearm.

The first item you’ll need is a firearms cleaning solvent. This project-specific cleaner helps remove grime that can accumulate during use. Be sure to get a product designed for firearms, as using the wrong solvent can damage the intricate components of your gun.

Up next, consider investing in a high-quality gun grease. While a basic lubricating oil has its usefulness, grease is designed to stay put under high-pressure situations, thus providing lasting protection against wear and tear. It’s often applied to the bolt, action, and other moving parts of the firearm.

Thirdly, a set of cleaning rods are a must-have. Different calibers of firearms require different diameter rods, so ensure you pick one that fits your Savage Model 110 perfectly.

By this point, you’re well on your way to meticulous maintenance. Other items to round out your cleaning kit should include:

  • Cotton patches and swabs for soaking up solvent and oil
  • A brush to scour hard-to-reach areas
  • Tweezers for handling small parts
  • Lint-free cloths to wipe surfaces dry after cleaning

Lastly, don’t overlook your personal protection. Gloves and protective eyewear shield you from the harsh effects of cleaning chemicals. Also, working in a well-ventilated area can prevent the inhalation of toxic fumes from solvents and oils.

Armed with the proper tools and cleaning supplies, you’re ready to venture into the actual cleaning process. Each tool has its part to play, and understanding these roles will ensure a swift and efficient maintenance routine. Following the correct firearm cleaning procedures won’t just keep your Savage Model 110 in peak condition. It’ll also extend its service life, ensuring more shooting enjoyment and reliability for years to come.

Cleaning the Barrel and Bore

Cleaning the Barrel and Bore of the Savage Model 110 is where meticulous care pays off. This cleaning process is not only hygienic but is also critical for maintaining the firearm’s shooting accuracy. By ensuring the barrel is clear of dust, dirt and other potential obstructions, I’m able to help extend the lifetime of my firearm and provide a safer shooting environment.

The first step to cleaning the barrel and bore is to soak a cotton patch with a high-quality firearms cleaning solvent. It’s best to use a cleaning rod to push the solvent soaked patch through the barrel, starting from the breech end and pushing towards the muzzle. It will help apply an even solvent layer in the bore interiors, breaking down any accumulated residue.

I’ll then follow this up with brushing the bore. It’s necessary to use a caliber-specific brush for this task. By moving the brush back and forth through the barrel, it helps break down harder residue deposits that mere patch and solvent couldn’t reach.

Once I’ve brushed the bore, I’ll be using more solvent soaked patches, pushed through the barrel by the cleaning rod. It’s a process that is repeated until the patches come out clean. If the patches still return dirty, I’ll brush the bore and use solvent patches again.

The above steps focus on clearing any accumulated residue in the bore. Let’s not forget about the barrel exterior. I recommend using a lint-free cloth soaked in solvent to gently clean the barrel exterior. It’ll help remove surface dust and filth.

Oh, and one thing. While cleaning both barrel and bore, it’s important to collect the solvent that drips out of the muzzle in a solvent-safe container. This practice keeps the cleaning area tidy and prevents the solvent from seeping into or discoloring the tabletop.

After the barrel and bore are satisfactorily clean comes the crucial step – lubrication. But that’s a significant step in itself, deserving a detailed discussion in the next section. It involves using the correct type of gun lubricant and the precise method of application, ensuring the Savage Model 110 stays in peak condition for an extended time.

Cleaning the Bolt

After suppressing every smidgen of grime in the barrel of your Savage Model 110, it’s time to shift our focus to the heart of the firearm – the bolt. A clean bolt ensures optimal performance, reducing the chance of malfunction and jamming.

First steps first, you’ll want to prepare a clean and well-lit workspace. Lay out your cleaning supplies, have your cleaning solvent and lint-free cloth at hand. Remember, you’re not just keeping the firearm clean; your environment is equally as important.

In order to clean the bolt, disassembly is required – but don’t fret. The extraction of the bolt from the Savage Model 110 is quite straightforward. Make sure the rifle is unloaded and on safety. Push the bolt release button while pulling the bolt rearward to remove it.

Now it’s time to use the cleaning solvent. Never skimp on the quality of your solvent; it’s a small investment that plays a big part in the longevity of your firearm. Soak the bolt in the solvent and allow it to break down any stubborn carbon buildup. A little patience will go a long way; let the solvent do its job.

Next up, use a stiff nylon brush to gently scrub away any stubborn residue. The scrubbing should be thorough but not overly aggressive. And remember to clean the bolt face and lugs too. These tend to trap a lot of dust and fouling which can hinder the performance of your firearm.

Once the bolt is clean, use a dry, lint-free cloth to wipe away the solvent. Make sure the bolt is completely dry before reassembling. A key point to remember is to lightly oil the bolt after cleaning. The oil prevents rust, which can seriously degrade your firearm’s performance. Proper lubrication can often be the difference between a reliable firearm and one that is not.

Coming up, we’ll delve into the magnified world of precision cleaning, focusing on the trigger assembly and other overlooked spots. Just remember, every part, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, plays vital role in the optimal function of your firearm.

Cleaning the Stock and External Parts

Let’s move on to the next vital part, Cleaning the Stock and External Parts of the Savage Model 110. It’s not just about making your firearm friendly to the eyes; keeping it clean also reduces the chances of malfunction and promotes better overall performance.

Most would think cleaning the bolt is enough, but that’s half the truth. Here’s how I recommend tackling the rest.

Start off with the Stock. You’ll want to gently wipe it down with a soft, clean cloth to get rid of any superficial dust or grime that may be sitting on its surface. In the presence of stubborn dirt or grease, lightly dampen your cloth with a high-quality gun cleaning solution.

Be mindful not to oversaturate it; you’ll want to avoid getting unnecessary moisture into the stock, which can lead to swelling and other unwanted issues. For rifles with wooden stocks, consider using a wood-friendly cleaner to avoid causing damage.

Moving on, don’t overlook the Barrel and Magazine. These external parts can also accumulate grime and residue, impacting the firearm’s overall functionality. I suggest using a bore brush or a cotton swab dipped in cleaning solvent to carefully clean these parts, focusing on crevices and hard-to-reach areas.

A clean Bore and Magazine not only keep the bullet trajectory accurate but also make it easier to load rounds smoothly, improving overall reliability.

The last step involves Light Lubrication. After ensuring all the external parts are clean and dry, gently apply a thin layer of rust-preventive oil to prevent corrosion.

There is a delicate balance to uphold here: too little oil won’t offer enough protective coverage, but too much could attract more dirt. Hence, aim for a thin coat that’s just enough to protect your firearm without being excessive.

Surprisingly, these overlooked areas can often be the difference between a reliable firearm and one plagued with constant issues, so make sure you give them due attention.

For the next section, we’ll delve more into precision cleaning of the Trigger Assembly, a part that often gets overlooked but plays a significant role in the consistent performance of your firearm.

Reassembling the Savage Model 110

Now that we’ve thoroughly cleaned the core parts of our Savage Model 110, it’s time to put our firearm back together. Reassembly is as crucial as disassembly and cleaning. It’s not just about clinging parts back together; we should also ensure that each part fits correctly and operates smoothly.

The first step towards effective reassembly is organizing the cleaned parts. Lay them out on a clean, flat surface in the order they’ll be put back together. Doing so will not only make the reassembly process smoother, but it’ll also minimize the chance of forgetting a piece or putting something back incorrectly.

Note: During this stage, check for any signs of damage or wear on each part. In case of any suspicious findings, contact a professional gunsmith.

Start the reassembly with the magazine. Insert the clean, dry magazine into the gun. Choose the right place, make sure it clicks into position.

Next, slide the bolt back into the gun. It’s a straightforward process that involves aligning the parts properly with the gun’s framework. Follow with the other parts, up until you reinstall the trigger assembly, which is notably trickier.

The trigger assembly requires careful reinstallation. Missteps during this step can significantly impact the firearm’s performance. Cautiously put the spring back in its designated place and test the trigger’s movement. If it moves freely without obstruction, you’re good to go!

After reembroiling the trigger assembly, proceed by replacing the clean, lightly lubricated barrel. The barrel can often feel tricky, but with a bit of patience, it will correctly align with the other parts. Once done, you should have your Savage Model 110 back to the complete structure, ready for optimal use.

During this process, I can’t stress enough the importance of your firearm manual. If you’re ever in doubt, consult the manual.

And don’t forget: regular cleaning of your Savage Model 110 will keep your firearm in tip-top condition, extending its lifespan and maintaining top performance. These reassembly steps will become familiar the more you clean. And with everything snugly back in place, we’ll move onto discussing long-term care for your Savage Model 110.


So, there you have it. I’ve walked you through the ins and outs of cleaning a Savage Model 110. We’ve talked about how crucial it is to keep your firearm clean for its optimal performance and longevity. Remember, organization is key when dealing with the cleaned parts. Always keep an eye out for any signs of damage or wear. Don’t forget that reassembling involves several parts – the magazine, bolt, trigger assembly, and barrel. Lastly, your firearm manual is your best friend. Regular cleaning and maintenance can’t be stressed enough. So, get out there and give your Savage Model 110 the care it deserves. Your firearm will thank you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the process for reassembling the Savage Model 110 after cleaning?

A: After cleaning, it is important to organize the cleaned parts and check for any signs of damage or wear. Step-by-step instructions for reassembling the magazine, bolt, trigger assembly, and barrel can be found in the article. Additionally, consulting the firearm manual and performing regular cleaning will ensure optimal performance and longevity.

Q: What should I do if I encounter any difficulty during the reassembly process?

A: If you encounter any difficulty while reassembling the Savage Model 110, refer to the step-by-step instructions provided in the article. It is also helpful to consult the firearm manual for specific guidance. If the issue persists, it may be advisable to seek assistance from a qualified gunsmith or contact the manufacturer for further support.

Q: How often should I clean my Savage Model 110?

A: Regular cleaning is important for maintaining the performance and longevity of your Savage Model 110. The frequency of cleaning will depend on factors such as usage, environmental conditions, and ammunition type. As a general guideline, it is recommended to clean the firearm after every shooting session or at least every few months if it remains unused.

Q: Is there anything else I should be aware of for long-term care of the Savage Model 110?

A: In addition to regular cleaning, there are a few important considerations for long-term care of the Savage Model 110. These include storing the firearm in a cool and dry environment, using a protective case or safe, conducting periodic inspections for any signs of wear or damage, and following the manufacturer’s guidelines for maintenance and storage. By following these practices, you can ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your Savage Model 110.