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If you’re a proud owner of a Taurus Raging Bull, you’ll know it’s not just about the thrill of firing this beast. It’s also about maintaining it in top-notch condition. That’s where I come in. I’m here to guide you through the process of cleaning your Taurus Raging Bull, ensuring it’s always ready and reliable.

In this article, we’ll dive into the step-by-step process of cleaning your firearm. We’ll cover everything from the tools you’ll need to the safety measures you should always follow. So, whether you’re a seasoned gun enthusiast or a newbie, you’ll find this guide handy.

Gather the Necessary Tools for Cleaning

Before we delve into the nitty-gritty of cleaning your Taurus Raging Bull, it’s imperative that we gather all the necessary tools for the job. Equipping yourself well makes the procedure smoother, safer, and more effective. Here are the items you’ll need:

  • A quality gun cleaning kit: These often come with a variety of brushes, patches, and rods designed specifically for firearm cleaning.
  • Gun oil: This will help to lubricate the parts and prevent rusting.
  • A mat: A work mat provides a clean and soft surface on which you can disassemble and reassemble your firearm without damaging or misplacing pieces.
  • Cotton Swabs or Cloth: Handy for wiping off excess oil and polishing.

Finding a gun brush of the right size is paramount for effective cleaning. Brushes made from nylon, brass, and bronze are generally favoured. Well-sized brushes will sweep through the gun’s bore smoothly, removing debris effectively.

While it’s clear that gun oil functions to lubricate and protect against rusting, one could underestimate the importance of high-quality gun oil. Regular use of a dependable gun oil not only ensures that the firearm operates smoothly but also extends its lifespan.

Also, remember that a good mat isn’t just for keeping your table clean. It aids the organization of your work and prevents small parts from going missing. An added bonus is it prevents damage to the delicate parts of the gun by offering a soft landing for anything that drops.

Last but not least, cotton swabs/cloths come in handy to wipe down the gun. After brushing and oiling, there’ll be some residue left. It’s necessary to wipe off the excess oil and keep the surfaces dry.

Now that we’ve got our tools all set, let’s proceed with the actual cleaning process. We will disassemble the firearm, clean it thoroughly, oil it, and then restore it to its original state.
Ensuring your Taurus Raging Bull is clean and well maintained ensures its performance, longevity, and most importantly, your safety.

Ensure Proper Safety Measures

Making sure you’re prioritizing safety when working with your Taurus Raging Bull is paramount. It’s not enough to know how to clean or maintain it; knowing how to handle it safely during the process is critical. This can’t be overemphasized, so allow me to guide you through the necessary precautions.

First and foremost, always check if the firearm is unloaded. Even if you’re sure it’s empty, verify it again. We have a rule in gun handling that we should treat every firearm as loaded until we’ve confirmed it’s not. This confirmation should involve both a visual and physical check of the chamber. The physical check, also called a “pinkie check”, helps ensure no rounds are overlooked.

Providing a well-lit workspace is also crucial. You’re dealing with small parts and potentially hazardous materials like gun oil. A well-lit environment allows you to accurately see what you’re doing and this is one key component in avoiding accidents and unnecessary mess.

Here’s a list of some additional safety measures:

  • Keep your workspace clean and organized. This prevents parts from going missing and offers a clear area to work, reducing the chances of accidents.
  • Wear eye protection. A sudden spring release could potentially hurt your eyes.
  • Avoid eating, drinking, or smoking while cleaning your firearm. This prevents any gun oil or residue from contaminating food and drinks or from being accidentally inhaled.

Disassemble the Taurus Raging Bull

When you’re cleaning a Taurus Raging Bull, disassembly is key. Don’t let this step overwhelmingly or stop you from tackling the task. Here’s how you can do it.

First, make sure the gun isn’t loaded. This isn’t just a casual reminder, it’s a vital safety measure that you can’t afford to forget. Once you’ve confirmed that the gun is empty, start by removing the cylinder. The release button to do so is on the left side of the frame, just hit it forward then tilt the barrel upwards to let the cylinder swing out.

Next, use a brass rod or nylon brush to gently push out each cartridge. Be careful and avoid scratching the chambers. Now you can free the cylinder from the crane. To do this, remove the crane retaining screw which is found on the right side of the Raging Bull. With a turn of a screwdriver, the screw should come free making it possible to carefully pull the crane away from the frame. At this stage, the cylinder will just roll out.

It’s time to remove the trigger assembly. To do this, you’ll need to locate the three side plate screws. Keep in mind that Taurus doesn’t look kindly on DIYers messing with some parts of the guns they manufacture. These parts are distinctly marked out, usually with adhesive. If you see adhesive, let it be. Only remove screws that don’t have adhesive. Unscrewing these will make the side plate come off, revealing the trigger assembly which you’ll be able to lift out.

That’s about all there is to disassembling a Taurus Raging Bull, and now we can start tackling the cleaning. Please remember, safety first. When disassembling, check and double-check to ensure that there’s no ammunition present. Better safe than sorry.

Clean the Barrel and Chamber

Once you’ve disassembled your Taurus Raging Bull, it’s time to start cleaning. First, and perhaps the most critical part of cleaning, is caring for the barrel and chamber. It’s vital to clear the gun debris, residues, and any trace of corrosion from these parts; maintaining them well can significantly enhance your firearm’s life and performance.

To start the process, prepare the bore brush by attaching it to your cleaning rod, remembering to always enter from the chamber end and not the muzzle. Begin by applying a good gun solvent to the brush. With a careful stroke, push the brush through the barrel a few times. You’ll want to ensure you’re hitting every inch without being unnecessarily harsh.

After brushing, attach a cloth-tipped jag to your cleaning rod and wrap it with a solvent-soaked gun cleaning patch. Run this patch down through the barrel to remove loosened debris. As a tip, each time you pull the patch out, replace it with a new one. Continue this process until a patch comes out as clean as it went in, indicating a well-cleaned barrel.

The barrel’s inside isn’t the only part that requires careful attention: the outside needs it too. Remember, the external surface of the barrel can gather dust and grime as well. Use a microfiber cloth and solvent to gently clean the exterior of the barrel but avoid getting solvent on the wooden parts of the gun. For hard-to-reach areas of your gun, consider using a small toothbrush (not the one you use for brushing your teeth!).

Next up, the Chamber. Much like the barrel, begin by using a brush and solvent on this part. However, a chamber brush is a bit different. The bristles are specifically designed to clean the chamber walls thoroughly, ensuring no leftover residue is missed. Follow the brushing with clean, solvent-soaked patches until they come out clean.

There you go! You’ve now cleaned the barrel and chamber of your Taurus Raging Bull. Remember, proper maintenance is not a one-time activity; it’s a necessary ritual, which if done correctly and consistently, will ensure that your firearm continues to operate smoothly. We will explore the next steps in the subsequent sections.

Clean The Frame and Slide

After the barrel and chamber, focus shifts to the frame and slide. These components are crucial as they form the foundation of your Taurus Raging Bull. Dirt and residue can compromise their function so we’ll dive into how to clean these parts meticulously.

Starting with the frame, you’ll spot many small parts. Do not feel intimidated. Let’s break it down. Apply a few drops of solvent to a nylon utility brush. Use this brush gently in all corners and recesses. Careful brushing helps in clearing deposited dust and grime. Be thorough but cautious not to damage smaller parts.

Every gun lover knows, the slide houses the firing pin and the extractor. Accumulated dirt here can hamper your shooting success. My simple method – use a cotton swab dipped in solvent to clean this area. Ensure you wash every nook and cranny where the grime could be hiding. Remember, overuse of solvent can attract more dirt, so use it sparingly.

Extra tip: A light coating of quality gun oil on the frame and slide following the cleaning will further protect the gun’s integrity. Do not use an excessive amount. Just enough to create a sheen on the metal surfaces will do.

Consistent and correct cleaning habits aren’t just recommended, they are vital for firearm longevity and personal safety. If proficiently performed, these steps preserve and boost the operational life of your Taurus Raging Bull.

This detailed approach will prepare you for the final cleaning steps to fully service your Taurus Raging Bull. Don’t you worry, up next – we explore the reassembling process, a crucial step in gun maintenance. You have all the tools and knowledge to undertake this task. But we will talk more about that in the upcoming sections.

Lubricate the Moving Parts

Let’s now turn our attention to a crucial element of maintaining your Taurus Raging Bull – lubricating the moving parts. Proper lubrication plays a significant role in preventing wear and tear, thus extending the life of your firearm. Also, it ensures smooth action when using the gun.

While lubrication is important, it’s not about drenching your gun in oil. Like any other machine, your Taurus Raging Bull requires just the right amount of lubrication.

Choose the Right Lubricant

Start with sourcing a high-quality gun oil. The oil does not only lubricate but also protects against rust and corrosion. You may come across a wide variety of brands, so pick one that has stellar reviews from other gun owners.

Lubrication Process

Next, let’s dive into the actual process of lubrication. Dab a small amount of oil on a clean, lint-free cloth or use a lubrication applicator. Apply the oil to all friction surfaces of the gun, including the rails of the slide and the area around the trigger.

Don’t forget the barrel’s exterior and interior. Make sure to introduce a moderate amount of oil into the chamber and along the length, ensuring every nook and cranny receives an adequate coating.

Quick note – I recommend being mindful not to over-lubricate, as excess oil could attract dirt and grit that could hamper the gun’s performance.

To ensure the oil permeates all moving parts, work the action a few times after the application of the lubricant.

Weekly Maintenance Check

A weekly maintenance check is a good idea if you use your Taurus Raging Bull frequently. Regular lubrication checks prevent potential future malfunctions. If the gun appears dry or doesn’t function smoothly, it’s time to reapply gun oil.

We’ve come a long way on our Taurus Raging Bull maintenance journey – from cleaning the frame and slide, to lubricating the moving parts. There is still much to learn, so stay tuned as we delve into the reassembling process in the sections to come.

Reassemble the Taurus Raging Bull

After we’ve meticulously cleaned and lubricated our firearm, let’s move onto the reassembly. This is another critical step that should be conducted with precision. If you skip a step or place a component incorrectly, it could cost you the proper functioning of your Taurus Raging Bull.

Start with the slide. Hold the frame in one hand and the slide in the other. There’s a groove on the bottom side of the slide. Align it with the rails on the top of the frame and push it rearward. This might offer a bit of resistance, but with a firm and steady push, it should slide into place.

Now it’s onto the barrel. Insert it through the front of the slide and adjust until it fits snuggly in its well. Once situated, secure the barrel by reinstalling the barrel bushing. Turn the bushing clockwise until you feel it lock into place. Here’s a pro tip. Twist it a bit extra, beyond the locking point and it’ll ensure a tighter fit.

Next, we need to replace the recoil spring. You’ll see the spring housing at the bottom of the slide. Insert the recoil spring and push backward until you hear an audible click. This click means our recoil spring is now secure. Completing this step is crucial as it allows for the smooth cycling of the slide after each round is fired.

Following this, return the slide to its starting position. Ensure it’s pulled entirely rearward, then let it go. This action will seat the slide correctly on the frame. Make sure there are no protruding parts and that every component fits just right.

The final steps involve reinstalling the slide lock lever and any other small components that you’ve cleaned separately. Once finished, we’re ready to move onto the next phase of our maintenance routine.

Remember to double-check all the components and their placements before we move on to the next steps. This involves ensuring the parts have been installed correctly, and the firearm is functioning properly. Regular maintenance means a healthy firearm, and a properly functioning Taurus Raging Bull could mean the difference between a sure shot and a misfire. Keep everything spotless, lubricated, and humming along smoothly, and you’ll have a firearm that you can rely on.

Perform a Function Check

After your Taurus Raging Bull is reassembled, it’s time to Perform a function check. Not only does the Function check ensure the firearm is in good working condition, but it also verifies if all the components have been placed correctly.

I begin the function check by ensuring the gun is unloaded. Always remember, safety is the utmost priority. Next, I’ll point it in a safe direction and release the hammer. It should fall freely and smoothly. If not, this indicates an issue you’ll need to address.

Once the hammer is checked, I’ll engage the thumb safety. If you try pulling the trigger with the safety on and the hammer drops, it’s indicative of a flawed safety mechanism. On the other hand, the slide should not move while the thumb safety is on.

Following that, I’d move to testing the grip safety. Hold the firearm without engaging the grip safety, and pull the trigger. The hammer or the striker shouldn’t fall. If it does, it’s a sure shot sign that your grip safety needs immediate attention.

Continuing with our function check, I will test the trigger reset. Here’s how:

  • With the safety off, I’ll pull the trigger while the gun is pointed in a safe direction.
  • While holding down the trigger, I’ll rack the slide.
  • I’ll then release the trigger; it should reset with a distinctive click.

One thing not to miss is the extractor tension. I find it useful to use a small piece of brass to check the extractor tension; it should be able to hold this in place. A loose or overly tight extractor can negatively impact the firearm’s reliability in feeding and extracting rounds nicely.

This function check is critical to ensuring that your Taurus Raging Bull operates safely and properly. In turn, investing this time effort can contribute to the overall longevity of the firearm. A little attention to detail now can prevent a larger issue down the line. Next, we will look into how to safely store your firearm.


So there you have it. I’ve walked you through the process of cleaning and maintaining your Taurus Raging Bull, from disassembly to reassembly, and even performing a function check. It’s crucial to keep your firearm clean and well-oiled for optimal performance. Remember, a well-maintained gun not only functions better but also lasts longer. Don’t forget to double-check all components during reassembly and always perform a function check to ensure safety. Remember that proper gun maintenance is a responsibility, not an option. So, keep your Taurus Raging Bull clean, and it’ll serve you well for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is it important to clean the frame and slide of a Taurus Raging Bull firearm?

A: Cleaning the frame and slide removes dirt and residue that can affect the gun’s function, ensuring smooth operation and preventing malfunctions.

Q: How do I clean the frame and slide of a Taurus Raging Bull firearm?

A: Use a cleaning solvent and a brush to remove dirt and residue from the frame and slide. Wipe them clean using a cloth or patch. Apply a light coating of gun oil afterward for protection.

Q: What is the next step after cleaning the frame and slide?

A: The next step is to reassemble the Taurus Raging Bull firearm, aligning the slide with the frame, securing the barrel, and replacing the recoil spring.

Q: Why is it important to perform a function check after reassembling the firearm?

A: Performing a function check ensures that the firearm operates safely and properly, checking its various components like the hammer, thumb safety, slide movement, grip safety, trigger reset, and extractor tension.