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If you’re a gun enthusiast like me, you’ll know that regular maintenance is key to ensuring your Uzi submachine gun performs at its best. In this article, I’ll guide you through the process of cleaning this iconic firearm, step-by-step.

You don’t need to be a professional to keep your Uzi in top-notch condition. With a few simple tools and the right knowledge, you’ll have your gun cleaned and ready for action in no time. We’ll cover everything from disassembling the gun to cleaning its individual parts.

Safety Precautions

Ensuring your safety before embarking on the cleaning process is essential. Working with firearms, even if you’re just cleaning them, can present dangers. Accidents may happen but, with the right precautions, risks are drastically reduced.

Always keep your Uzi Submachine gun Unloaded. That’s Rule #1 when it comes to safety. Before we break down the steps for unloading, it’s crucial to emphasize that any oversight can lead to a dangerous scenario. Check and double-check to make sure your firearm doesn’t contain any rounds before you start cleaning.

Let’s discuss how to ensure the gun is unloaded:

  • Eject the magazine.
  • Pull back the bolt handle to check the chamber.
  • Inspect visually and physically that there is no round in the chamber.

This is an indispensable step and must be done every time you prepare to clean the gun. It’s a ritual for every responsible gun owner—not just as a basic safety precaution but as an habitual commitment to safety.

Protect your vision and skin. Working with cleaning solvents and other chemicals may involve splashes and spills. Thus, while cleaning your Uzi Submachine, it’s wise to wear safety glasses and gloves.

Another safety tip is Always point the gun in a safe direction, for instance, toward a wall or the ground. This rule is crucial especially when initially checking if the firearm is unloaded.

Finally, choose a well-ventilated space. Cleaning solvents produce fumes that may cause headaches or dizziness. Prolonged exposure may lead to more serious health issues. I highly recommend using a designated workspace in a well-ventilated area or even working outdoors if possible.

If you’re careful to follow these safety precautions, cleaning your Uzi Submachine gun can become a routine task—free from any potential hazards. Next, we’ll get into the specifics of what tools to use and how to clean the different parts of your firearm.

Tools Needed for Cleaning

Cleaning an Uzi Submachine Gun requires more than just the willingness to do it – it’s a step that needs the right tools as well. As they say, a craftsman is only as good as his tools, so for the best outcomes, ensure you’ve got the proper cleaning equipment on hand.

A Quality Gun Cleaning Kit

First off, you’ll need a quality gun cleaning kit. It’s like the Swiss army knife for firearm maintenance. This handy box comprises almost everything you’ll require in various shapes and sizes. A decent kit typically includes brushes, rods, patches, and specialty tips designed explicitly for cleaning firearms.

Cleaning Solvent and Oil

Next up is your go-to cleaning solvent and gun oil. Let’s face it – your firearm won’t shine on its own. Cleaning solvents help you dissolve stubborn gunpowder residues and other goop. After the dirty work’s done, using gun oil will prevent rust and corrosion while helping your Submachine Gun perform at its best.

Microfiber Cloths

Microfiber cloths also deserve a spot on your cleaning station. When dealing with surfaces as delicate as firearms, these cloths offer a gentle yet effective way to wipe off grime without causing unnecessary scratches to the surface.

Tools for Detailed Cleaning

Finally, get your hands on some detail-oriented tools like precision cotton swabs and toothpicks. You’ll find them handy while targeting the nooks and crannies of your Uzi that are difficult to reach with regular cleaning gear.

Now that you know which tools are needed, let’s look at the process of cleaning your Uzi Submachine Gunn. From handling the barrel to maintaining the trigger assembly, we’ll go through everything to ensure your gun stays in perfect working condition. Remember – like all worthwhile things in life, taking care of your firearm is an ongoing process and not a one-time deal.

Disassembling the Uzi Submachine Gun

The first step in maintaining an Uzi is understanding how to disassemble the firearm. Here’s where things may get slightly complex, but bear with me. Disassembling an Uzi is vital for cleaning, and it’s a step you’ll have to repeat often.

Firstly, make sure the submachine gun is unloaded. Safety should be your top priority. Once that’s confirmed, you’ll need to remove the magazine and put it aside.

Now let’s tackle the barrel assembly. To do this, you’ll need your barrel wrench from your gun cleaning kit. Lock back the bolt, slip the wrench over the barrel, and turn it clockwise. You can then pull the barrel forward and out of the receiver.

Next, you move to the top cover and bolt assembly removal. Open the top cover, pulling it upwards. Then, while holding the cocking handle, let the bolt slowly move to its forward position. Here’s where you need to be careful – you don’t want to damage any integral parts. Unhook the bolt assembly from the receiver and remove it along with the clocking handle.

Afterwards, you should strip down the bolt assembly. It’s slightly tricky as it’s composed of the bolt, recoil spring, and buffer. You have to remove the buffer by shifting it sideways and disengaging it downwards. Then, you can remove the recoil spring, followed by the bolt.

Lastly, we have the grip assembly and stock. To tackle these, you need to push the grip pin out, and then you can remove the grip assembly. For the stock, push the stock catch and slide the stock off the receiver.

The process is intricate and needs precision. But remember – the results are well worth the effort. I’ll delve more into the specifics of each part in the subsequent sections.

Cleaning the Barrel

Having disassembled your Uzi Submachine Gun, you’re now ready to commence the cleaning process. Remember, a clean barrel ensures both accuracy and safety.

Let’s begin by moving your attention to the bore brush. You’ll want to lightly soak the brush in gun solvent. This application helps in loosening the buildup of powder residue. When applying the solvent, ensure you immerse the bristles but avoid drenching it excessively. In maintaining your firearm, it’s all about the right balance.

Once your brush is suitably lubricated, it’s time to put it to work. Pass the bore brush through the barrel, back and forth. It’s crucial not to change the direction mid-way. Always push the brush completely through then pull it back.

Now’s the moment for your cleaning rod and patch holder. Why? Because the latter carries patches that have been soaked in solvent. Just like the bore brush, send it through the barrel several times. Your primary aim is to remove any leftover debris.

At this point, you’ll probably notice a discernable difference. However, for ensuring optimal longevity and performance, we’re still not done. A more detailed cleaning process involves using a bronze brush on the barrel. Durability makes these brushes perfect for dealing with the stubborn remains of powder residue.

Once again, remember not to reverse the movement of the brush halfway. Follow the “all-way-through-and-back” approach. This technique helps to protect the rifling, or the spiral grooves inside the barrel, from getting damaged.

After brushing, send through another solvent-soaked patch. This process is not unlike giving a second rinse to a dish to ensure all soap suds have been washed off. The final touch should be to use a dry patch to wipe off any remaining solvent traces in the barrel.

By now, your barrel should be looking practically brand new. Pat yourself on the back – you’re doing a fantastic job. But hold on, there’s more: our next endeavor will be the cleaning of the bolt assembly. Let’s dive deeper into the refreshing universe of maintaining your Uzi Submachine Gun.

Cleaning the Bolt and Receiver

Look at the bolt assembly now. This part, directly responsible for chambering and discharging rounds, endures significant stress. Keeping it clean and well-lubricated is not optional – it’s necessary.

Begin by inspecting the bolt. Look for visible damage or excessive wear. What we’re searching for are signs of cracking, chipped surfaces, or deformities. Don’t mistake carbon build-up for damage though; those dark, grimy deposits are nearly universal in well-used firearms.

Breaking loose that stubborn carbon build-up will need a few items:

  • A sturdy nylon brush.
  • A high-quality gun cleaner solution.
  • Soft cotton patches.
  • A good dose of patience.

Firstly, apply the gun cleaner solution liberally on the bolt’s surfaces. Apply some on your nylon brush, scrubbing vigorously while focusing on areas with heavy build-up. Don’t be shy using the cleaner; it’s designed to dissolve carbon deposits and evaporate quickly, leaving minimal residue.

Then, take a soft cotton patch and wipe the bolt down. You’ll quickly see the patch turning grey or black – that’s a good thing! You’re removing carbon residue.

Next up is the receiver. It’s akin to the heart of the Uzi Submachine Gun, housing key components like the bolt, firing pin, extractor, and sear. Start the cleaning process with a detailed inspection.

Repeat the same cleaning process as the bolt. It’s worth spending the extra time here to ensure all carbon residue, grime, and old lubricant is completely removed. Keep scrubbing with your nylon brush until a clean cotton patch comes away mostly white.

Don’t rush through this section. Both the bolt and receiver need your meticulous care. It’s a long haul, but the performance difference in your Uzi Submachine Gun will undoubtedly justify the efforts.

After all, maintaining a firearm isn’t just about preserving its functionality – it’s about ensuring it operates at impeccable standards, round after round.

Cleaning the Magazine

Moving on from cleaning the bolt assembly and receiver, let’s shift our focus to another integral part of the Uzi – the magazine. A magazine, full of grime and dirt, will only hinder your Uzi’s performance. You’ll face issues like misfires or failure to feed, affecting the overall reliability.

First things first, remember safety. Make sure the magazine is empty and the Uzi is unloaded before you begin to clean.

The Cleaning Process

You’ll need a nylon brush and a quality gun cleaning solvent for this task. Start by dipping the nylon brush in the solvent, then thoroughly scrub the interior of the magazine. Attention to detail is key here. Make sure to clean everything – from the feed lips, follower, down to the spring, and baseplate.

Next, use a dry cloth to wipe off the solvent and let the magazine air-dry. Make sure it’s completely dry before you consider reassembling.

Checking for Wear and Tear

While cleaning, it’s important to inspect your magazine for any signs of wear and tear. Look for bent feed lips, cracked follower, or any visible signs that might affect the magazine’s performance. If you spot anything dodgy, I’d recommend replacing the faulty part or, in some cases, the entire magazine. This ensures your Uzi can work flawlessly when it matters most.

Lastly, lightly lubricate the follower and spring to allow smooth movement during reloading and firing. But be cautious- over-lubrication can attract more dirt and grit, leading to a whole new set of issues.

Reassembling the Magazine

After cleaning and inspection, it’s time to reassemble the magazine. Start with the follower and spring, sliding them back into the magazine body. Once done, attach the baseplate. Be sure to give it a few taps to ensure it’s securely in place.

Cleaning the Stock

Now that you’ve grasped the art of magazine cleaning, let’s take a step further. Like the magazine, the stock of your Uzi Submachine Gun also demands regular cleaning. Meticulous cleaning of the gun stock ensures longevity and optimal performance.

Start with Dusting Off

Kickstart the cleaning process with a good dust off. Using a clean, dry cloth, gently wipe down the gun stock, paying extra attention to ridges and hollow parts. It’s where most of the dirt and debris tend to accumulate.

Proceed to Cleaning Solution

Once the dusting is done, it’s time for a deeper clean. Get yourself a good quality stock cleaning solution. This nifty cleaner works wonders in removing stubborn grease and grime.

Here’s your step-by-step cleaning guide:

  1. Apply a generous amount of the cleaning solution on another clean cloth.
  2. Gently scrub the stock surface. Remember not to exert too much pressure.
  3. Allow the solution to rest for a while before you wipe it off. It gives the solution time to lift off the tenacious grime.

Finish with Polishing

The cherry on top is the final polish. Use a soft microfiber cloth to shine up the stock. It doesn’t only give the gun a fresh-out-of-the-box look but also adds an extra layer of protection against dirt and corrosion.

Remember, consistency is the key. Regular cleaning not only promotes optimal performance but also adds years to your Uzi Submachine Gun’s life. With the magazine and stock now under your cleaning belt, it’s time to explore the cleaning intricacies of another gun part.

Lubricating the Uzi Submachine Gun

Once every inch of your Uzi Submachine Gun is free from dust, grit, and grime, it’s time to enter the next crucial phase: lubrication. Lubricating an Uzi Submachine Gun isn’t just an ordinary task – it’s fundamental to the machine’s functionality and longevity.

To start with, you’ll need high-quality gun oil. Edge onto the frugal side when applying it because in the realm of gun maintenance, too much oil isn’t your friend. Believe it or not, over-lubrication can lead to attracting more dust and deposits, creating performance issues over time. It’s better to apply fewer oil at first and add more if needed.

Here’s my step-by-step guide to lubricating your Uzi Submachine Gun:

  1. Apply a thin layer of oil to the gun’s interior: Grasp the submachine gun in one hand, whilst applying an evenly distributed, thin layer of lube to its interior with the other. Focus specifically on all moving parts and surfaces that make contact.
  2. Oil the exterior: Next, apply the same thin layer to the external surface of your weapon. Avoid contact with the handgrips, keeping them free from any kind of slick residue.
  3. Cycle the action a couple of times: With both the interior and exterior oiled, cycle the action several times to ensure the lubricant seeps to every nook and cranny.
  4. Reassemble the firearm: Once you’re satisfied that the lubricant has gotten into all areas, it’s time to reassemble the Uzi Submachine Gun.

Bear in mind that the sequence of the steps is just as important as the steps themselves. Following the steps helps expedite the process but also ensures you’re doing it the right way. With that in mind, consistent lubrication maintenance is pivotal for the smooth function of your Uzi Submachine Gun. It will not only improve the functionality but also prolong the life of your weapon.

Reassembling the Uzi Submachine Gun

Now that we’ve thoroughly lubed up our Uzi, it’s time to reassemble it. I’ll guide you through this easy process, step by meticulous step. This is the final stretch, so let’s be focused.

First off, we need to reattach the retracted bolt and bolt carrier. Slide them into the receiver, ensuring they perfectly align with their respective grooves. Alignment is critical here as any misstep could significantly disrupt functionality.

Next, let’s fit the barrel back into place. The barrel nut will secure it, so just rotate it clockwise until it’s tight. Remember not to over-tighten as this could result in difficulty in future disassembly.

The firing pin fits back into the bolt assembly. It should slide in effortlessly if you’ve cleaned and lubricated it properly. The cover latch then slots into its position, securing the firing pin.

After that, we’ll put back the grip assembly. Make sure to insert its rear end first, followed by the front. Secure it in place with the grip assembly pin. A satisfying ‘click’ will tell you it’s firmly attached.

Finally, let’s reattach the stock – the very backbone of the Uzi. It should lock into place comfortably and feel firm.

Once you’ve got your Uzi reassembled, it’s essential to give it a good once-over to ensure everything’s where it should be. Test the gun’s action by pulling the bolt several times. If it cycles smoothly without hitches, then you’ve nailed the reassembly process. An inability to cycle properly, on the other hand, means there’s something erroneous in your reassembling job.

Reassembling your Uzi Submachine Gun shouldn’t be a daunting task. With knowledge, care, and the right techniques, it becomes second nature. Just remember; proper, consistent maintenance of your Uzi is crucial to its overall performance and longevity.


Having walked you through the process, it’s clear that cleaning your Uzi Submachine Gun is no small feat. It requires precision, patience and a keen eye for detail. But remember, it’s the key to keeping your firearm in top shape. Proper alignment during reassembly and fitting the barrel, firing pin, grip assembly, and stock back into place are crucial steps that can’t be overlooked. After all, you want your firearm to work smoothly when you need it most. So, don’t skimp on regular maintenance. It’s not just about cleanliness, it’s about the performance and longevity of your Uzi Submachine Gun. After all, a well-maintained firearm is a reliable one. So, keep up the good work, and your Uzi will thank you for it.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why is proper alignment important during the reassembly of the Uzi Submachine Gun?

Proper alignment is crucial during reassembly to ensure the Uzi Submachine Gun functions correctly after lubrication.

2. What components need to be properly fitted during reassembly?

During reassembly, it’s important to properly fit the barrel, firing pin, grip assembly, and stock back into place for optimal functionality.

3. Why is it necessary to test the gun’s action after reassembly?

Testing the gun’s action after reassembly ensures that the Uzi Submachine Gun cycles smoothly and functions as intended.

4. What is the significance of consistent maintenance for the Uzi Submachine Gun?

Consistent maintenance is essential to maintain the optimal performance and longevity of the Uzi Submachine Gun.